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MGMT 130

Background: Virtual team skills have never been more in demand than they are right now. Working remotely is not going away, even after the pandemic. Therefore, this project should be conducted as a group. That said, I realize that some of you just may not be able to work with a group right now. I won’t force you, but I will encourage you.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to apply course concepts to a company of interest to you. You will research and prepare a case study of an organization. This means researching a company of interest to you and preparing a presentation on that the company using course concepts and vocabulary.

You are basically telling a story about the company using as much course vocabulary and concepts as you can. The more concepts and vocabulary that you incorporate, the higher the grade.

Process: The first step is selecting a company to research. Pick a company that genuinely interests you and is easy to find information on.

Be thinking about which chapters/course content you found the most interesting and then start a Google search with key words like the name of the company and a course concept. Examples: Walmart and strategy or Apple and innovation.

The following 2 chapters are packed with useful and easy to apply concepts and vocabulary:

  • Chapter 3 – Organizational Environments and Cultures

  • Chapter 6 – Organizational Strategy

However, other chapters may be useful concepts to incorporate, depending on the company you are researching. Examples:

  • Chapter 4 – Ethics and Social Responsibility – if the company is either really good… or bad at this

  • Chapter 7 - Innovation and Change – if the company relies on innovation to stay competitive

  • Chapter 8 – Global Management – if the company operates on a global scale

Feel free to reference any chapter, including ones we did not cover. As stated, the more concepts and vocabulary, the better.

Final Product: A Powerpoint presentation, posted on Blackboard, that takes the reader 10-15 min to get through.

  • Include references


  1. Consider including short videos or other relevant links to make the presentation as interesting and engaging as possible

  2. You can also add audio to narrate

Project Evaluation:Your group grade will be determined by your collective ability to meet the following objectives.

    1. Research quality – company is well researched and understood

    2. Application of course concepts – the more concepts that are correctly applied, the higher the grade

    3. Presentation Quality – the presentation is well organized and interesting

Due: end of the semester