It is a group assignment and I want just the last part done, that is the 4th part "Strategic Partnerships". Strategic Partnerships Identify new suppliers and new customers Identify potential operat

Components of a Strategic & Marketing Plan (Group Assignment #3)

Here’s a guideline – extract conclusions (do not cut and paste analysis) from group assignment #2 and extrapolate/extend conclusions to provide recommendations (50/50):

Strategic Plan

  1. Mission Statement – evolve from assignment #2

  2. Vision Statement– evolve from assignment #2

  3. SWOT Analysis – conclusions only (pairings and resulting strategies)

  4. Long-Term Objectives – In line with vision statement

Focus on main strategies (i.e. product development, market penetration, vertical integration)

  1. Short-Term Priorities – feasible, within current constraints

  2. Action Plan – specifics of how goal will be achieved – high level

  3. Scorecard – Key Performance Indicators - measurable

  4. Final Assessment – Recommendations – high-level

Marketing Plan

  1. Market Research – are there any market research needs based upon your findings from assignments #1/#2

  2. Target Market

    • Focus on target market segment(s), customer preferences/attributes/characteristics

  3. Positioning

    • Focus on product value proposition, product differentiation/benefits

  4. Competitive Analysis

    • Focus on Competitor Profile Matrix

    • Competitive Advantage (from CPM) – distinctive competencies/capabilities

  5. Market Tactics

  6. Include Product/Price/Place/Promotional tactics

  7. Budget – monetarize recommendations, i.e. invest $x in social media, will generate $y in increased revenue

  8. Marketing Metrics – measurable

Revenue model (make assumptions when and where necessary)

  1. Current revenue: define 3-year revenue projections based on current conditions/constraints

  2. Potential revenue projections: based on recommended investments (based on strategy/marketing plan recommendations above) – citing increased revenues from specific investments

  3. New product/services revenue: build revenue streams based on any new products/services (if appropriate)

Note: a complete P & L does not need to be completed at this time.

Trading partners

  1. Identify new suppliers and new customers

  2. Identify potential operational/logistic/manufacturing partners

  3. Other partners in eco-system – associations, influencers etc.