fill in worksheet with the paper attached

fill in worksheet with the paper attached 1

Sustainability Plan Worksheet

An improvement team needs to consider long-term sustainability of an improvement effort. This worksheet will help you outline the elements needed for a sustainability plan for your proposed evidenced-based quality and/or safety program design by taking you through a series of questions. By answering these questions, you will be able to develop a plan to ensure the longevity of the expected improvements from your proposed quality and/or safety program stick long-term.

For each category, use the questions provided to help you draft the necessary components that will be needed in a sustainability plan. Use one or two concise sentences to inform on each bullet point/question. Provide scholarly and peer-reviewed support accordingly.

Areas for Consideration

Detailed Plan


After project completion:

  • What will you continue to measure?

  • What will you stop measuring?

  • What will you do if you see a negative effect?

  • What will you do if you see clinical significance, but not statistical significance?


  • Who will own the new process that was implemented?

  • How will you tell if the person is engaged and onboard with the improvement process?


  • How will you communicate about the change and who will be the messenger?

  • When will communication take place?

  • How will you support individuals in the new process?

  • What type of training will you use after project completion?

  • Who will be responsible for that training?

Change Management

  • How will you respond to resistance/barriers to change ("But this is how we have always done things.")

  • How would you use your evidence-based change model to ensure adoption and sustainability?

  • How will you standardize the process so that it is easy to do the "new" right thing?


  • Is the change increasing the overall workload to the system?

  • If so, how can you decrease the workload?

  • If not, how will you communicate about what is changing and not changing?

Adapted from "Sustainability Planning Worksheet" by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2019).


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