Sociological Theory – Soc 224
Second Writing Assignment
Instructions: Answer one (1) of the following questions. Each of your responses should be roughly 3-4 typed, double-spaced pages. Do NOT repeat the question in your answer.
A note about how to write these papers. You might wish to think of your goal as teaching what you know about these concepts. With that in mind, you should think of your reader (your “student”) as someone who is new to this material. In other words, don’t write to me! Write to a non-sociologist. I suggest you show paper to a friend or family member who has never read this material. Do they understand how you explain the concepts? If so, your paper is probably strong.
How does DuBois’ theory of the “psychological wage” *support* Weber’s theory of social stratification? How does Dubois’ theory *challenge* Marx’s theory of social stratification?
We have discussed the concept of “status anxiety” throughout this course. Pick three (3) of the following writers and discuss how this concept informs their thinking: Rousseau, Weber, DuBois, and Veblen
Marx, Weber, and Durkheim each contribute to the secularization thesis, or the idea that modern life and society is becoming less religious. Discuss their ideas about this topic, comparing and contrasting them where appropriate
As always, better answers will cite the assigned texts in support of the argument.
This paper is due on Tuesday, July 5 at 12pm (noon). Papers should be proofread for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; I will take off points for simple mistakes. (Please consult my guidelines for writing papers, which I have posted on the Blackboard page for this class). You will submit your papers through a link on the “assignments” tab on our BB page
A note about late papers: I will accept them, but they will be automatically penalized five (5) points (out of 100). If you must hand in your paper late, do not send me an email asking for permission to do so or asking for an extension. Simply hand it in late with the foreknowledge that I will accept it.