PSYN:295 Family Violence There are 3 question blocks (with Question A and Question B). Please choose one question to answer from each question block (for a total of 3 essay questions answered for the

Mid-Term Exam

PSYN:295 Family Violence


There are 3 question blocks (with Question A and Question B). Please choose one question to answer from each question block (for a total of 3 essay questions answered for the exam). Please plan on a 300 word minimum for each answer.

PSYN:295 Family Violence


There are 3 question blocks (with Question A and Question B). Please choose one question to answer from each question block (for a total of 3 essay questions answered for the exam). Please plan on a 300 word minimum for each answer. 


Set One (pick one)


1A. Compare and contrast the ways in which the victim’s characteristics are the same or different for physical and sexual abuse. Please give your interpretations as to why these similarities or differences may exist.

1B. Compare and contrast the ways in which the perpetrators' characteristics are the same or different for emotional/ psychological child abuse and neglect. Please give your interpretations as to why these similarities or differences may exist.


Set Two (pick one)

2A What is a macro theoretical approach to explaining abuse? Please discuss two macro theoretical approaches to explaining family violence (be sure to discuss the good points and bad points of each approach).


2B. What is a micro theoretical approach to explaining abuse? Please discuss two micro theoretical approaches to explaining family violence (be sure to discuss the good points and bad points of each approach).



Set Three (Pick One)

3A. What are some of the good points and bad points of using different methods of data collection to report on the prevalence of child abuse? Be sure to discuss government substantiated, NIS-4 and the self-report national parent survey (Straus) methods.

3B. Discuss the link between corporal punishment and physical child abuse. Discuss a macro theory or micro theory prevention program you think might prevent corporal punishment used by parents from escalating into physical child abuse (be specific about apply concepts to your designed program).