PSYCHOLOGICAL If you were to psychoanalyze the character of Elethia, what would you say that she might suffer from opens in new window? Take your clues from the text to understand her character. Look

Radhika Patel

Professor Kassorla

ENG 1102

July 2, 2022

Prospectus Paragraph

Slavery is a time in history where many tragic events happened. It is a period in history that no one wants repeated. There are many heroes from that time period that will never be forgotten such as, Harriet Tubman, Zumbi dos Palmares, and many other people that remain anonymous. There are many movies, novels, and short stories written to tell what happened. It is the mission of some to inform the public of what happened to them. Alice Walker was born in 1944 who wrote a short story named, “Elethia”. In “Elethia”, Walker wanted to show the audience the resistance of the black people at that time. When looking at this story through a critical historic lens, it is still noticeable that there are prolonged effects of slavery and racism during post-Civil war.

In the story, “Elethia,” it portrays a young black woman that worked in a restaurant as a salad girl. The owner of the restaurant was stuffed and placed in the front; he was a former slave. Albert was very unhappy of his status after slavery ended. After the Civil war ended, the blacks were freed from Slavery, made them citizens, and protected their right to vote but the southerners did not approve all of this. Soon they passed Jim Crow laws and segregation. These laws were designed to repress black people. In the 1860s-70s, the new class was becoming an issue. It is coherent that black people were not accepted with open arms and had many troubles to face.

Works Cited Page

“Alice Walker.” New Georgia Encyclopedia, Accessed 3 July 202

Alice Walker is an author whose short story I am examining. She is the daughter of sharecroppers.

I will use this source in my critical prospectus of “Elethia” by gathering information on the author and the time period.

Elethia” Characters in You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down | Shmoop. Accessed 3 July 2022.

This source is an analysis of “Elethia”. This will show the characters and symbols used in the story

I will use this source in my critical prospectus of “Elethia” by analyzing the characters and symbols and getting a deeper understanding of them.

Graff, Gilda. “Post-Civil War African American History: Brief Periods of Triumph, and Then Despair.” Journal of Psychohistory, vol. 43, no. 4, Spring 2016, pp. 247–61.

This source has much information about post-civil war for African Americans. There are firsthand sources and lots of emotions in this.

I will use this source in my critical prospectus of “Elethia” by connecting emotions and despair into my paper.

Nast, Thomas, et al. Reconstruction and Its Aftermath - The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship | Exhibitions (Library of Congress). 9 Feb. 1998,

This source has information about the Emancipation Proclamation and what happened shortly within that period.

I will use this source in my critical prospectus of “Elethia” by stating what was caused after slaves were freed.

Read “Elethia” - ENGLISH COMPOSITION II Section 062 Summer Semester 2022. Accessed 3 July 2022.

This is my main source, this is the story itself, “Elethia”. I will be reading this and analyzing my paper with.

I will use this source in my critical prospectus of “Elethia” because it will give me all the information, I need to start my essay along with details.