Hello, I need help with a Nutrition assignment.

Read this article for the assignment: Hunger Article



Sadly, one of the reasons that Americans go hungry---despite the abundance of food in this country---is the stigma associated with needing help obtaining food. This stigma is part of a vicious cycle. Shame prevents people from getting help, and the lack of healthy food and nutrients detracts from their ability to think straight and find solutions to underlying issues that lead to food insecurity. It may come as a surprise that many of the individuals who are going hungry in America are college students. 
To get a better understanding of this complex issue, read the article on students and food insecurity. (Links to an external site.)


Instructions (8 points):


Part 1: Type your answer in a document and submit it

  • Please answer the question below.  The guidelines are:

    • Write 10 or more sentences

    • Double-spaced


  1. According to the article, what are some factors that influence or affect college students and food insecurity? 

    1. Secondly, share some of your thoughts.


Grading Rubric:

Grading Rubric

Initial Post Criteria


Were the questions answered accurately according to the article information?


Spelling and grammar 


Were all questions answered with thoughtfulness and complete sentences? Did it meet the 10 sentence or more criteria and double-spaced?