One of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by reviewing primary documents and scholarly secondary sources and then creating an analysis of this research. Please read Chapters 27-28 i

Cinematic History!!!

Settle into a good historical show! Watch three, all of the following. After each video, write a one page summary of the main points of the video (typed, double-spaced, standard font and size). Learn about the perils, trials and tribulations, mysteries, intrigues and famous figures of history in the process!

How to Submit: Make sure that all of your summaries are included in ONE Word file. For instance, if you choose to write all five summaries, make each summary a page, but title each page with the video title, and save them to a single Word document.

The selected videos are:

Amelia Earhart

Admiral Chester Nimitz: Thunder of the Pacific


Summer of Love

20th Century with Mike Wallace: Crisis in Iran. The Death of the Shah and The Hostage Crisis