Can some help me check my nursing assignment ?,


Things to consider...



  • How old is the article?

  • Older articles can still be relevant, but you must be able to explain why

(Currency may be less important when exploring discussions of historical events or older theories in context, because a historical perspective may be more relevant than a modern one in some circumstances)

 A discussion of attitudes towards nurses in the media during the 1990s


The impact of social media on modern nursing practice

How might the idea of "current" be different for these two examples?


  • Who published the information?

  • What makes the source reputable?

  • Does the creator provide references and are those references credible?

  • Are there spelling, grammar or typographical errors?

A satirical news website (e.g. Betoota Advocate) or social media platform


An established, academic textbook publisher

If your academic has set a textbook for your subject, this means they believe it is a source you can trust.


  • Who is the creator or author?

(Sources without an author are usually less credible because they don't disclose their qualifications, affiliations and experience)

  • Are they an expert in the field? 

A blog post or media article written by a self-appointed expert or anonymous author


A peer reviewed article written by a team of university academics and researchers


  • Why was the information published and who is the intended audience? (eg. For advertising  product to consumers)

  • Is the creator trying to sell, inform, entertain, or persuade the audience?

  • Is it based on fact or opinion?

  • Is it biased towards an outcome or opinion? How do you know?

A webpage on diabetes from a pharmaceutical company that produces and sells diabetes medication. They may have an interest in persuading you to buy their products.


Diabetes information from a government website such as Australian Institute of Health & Welfare (AIHW). Their role is solely to provide accurate information.