instructions in the attached file

Part 1

Imagine you just finished an interview so as part of your Interview, you must send a thank you letter to the individual you interviewed with.

Write a thank you letter

Part 2

Find a job or internship (in legal studies) that is something you would be interested in applying to as a logical next step in your career progression. Maybe it's an internship, maybe it's your first job after graduation. You will then develop a personal marketing package which will include:

The position description of the job/internship you are “applying” for. This includes the job title, the description, the requirements, the qualifications, etc. (Hint: Print or save the description as soon as you find it so you don’t lose it if the position closes.)

A company analysis includes the following: the brands, products, or services in which this company specializes; the history of the organization; the profile of senior administration; the culture of the company; the qualities this company looks for in its hires; key divisions and departments of the company; total sales (if applicable); geographic locations; projected growth; and any press the company has received over the past five years. This is a deep dive.

A tailored resume specific to this job/internship. (You will be graded as if you were applying for the position. You will be graded down if you do not incorporate the feedback from your resume first draft assignment.) Upload as a single document. Which is provided for you in the attachment.

A tailored cover letter specific to this job/internship. (Again, to be graded as if you were applying.) Upload as a single document.

One-Page Reflection: What have you learned as a result of your research? Describe what impact this research has had on your thoughts and feelings about choosing this profession. Did it confirm your perceptions of the work or were there any surprises? Did it raise any concerns? Did it deepen your desire to pursue this goal?


Check your grammar, spelling, language, and writing style.

Formatting for the company analysis and reflection should be double-spaced and size 12 font with a reasonable header.

NO PICTURES of any of the above-mentioned information.

This assignment will be considered the culmination of all we have learned, and professionalism will count towards the final grade of your paper.

Upload your resume and cover letter separately so your formatting doesn't shift (you will be graded on formatting). Upload your job description, company research, and reflection as one document. For a total of three documents to be uploaded.