Using the ERD diagram I need Use case diagram to be created

Members – Pay a monthly fee to maintain their ChocAn membership to receive services from contracted healthcare professionals

Providers – Provide services to the members then record these services in the system to receive weekly payment

Manager – Generates and verify reports for ChocAn’s accounts payable weekly

ACME – suspended members who have now paid what is owing. Update the membership data in ChocAn’s data center every day at 9 PM

Bank – Receiving EFT data from ChocAn and credit providers’ accounts with the appropriate amount

ChocAn Data Center Operators - Add, delete, and update member and provider records

Terminal – Allows data exchange between the data center and provider (1. Reads provider’s card to verify the user; 2. Reads info from encoded member cards to verify membership and display membership status on the screen; 3. Allows verified users to record session information and display entered information on screen for verification purpose; 4. Writes records to disk)

ChocoAn system- store data, generate report and send emails

Interactive mode - get data, add data b