I need manager use case to be get it done, and complete in Use case specification file, see the use case diagram. I just need the manager use case specification completed NOT ALL

<team logo/team name>

<ProjectName> (<ProjectAcronym>)

Use Case Specification Document <Use Case ID><Use Case Name>

<ProjectName> (<ProjectAcronym (if there is one)>)

Use Case Specification Document

<Use Case ID>

<Use Case Name>

Version No. <DocumentVersionNo.>

Project Document Revision History



Revision Author

Description of Revision

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4

2. Use Case Information 4

2.1 Actors 4

2.2 Use Case Interaction 4

3. Trigger 4

4. Pre-condition(s) 4

4.1 < Pre-condition One > 4

4.2 < Pre-condition Two > 4

5. Post-condition(s) 4

5.1 < Post-condition One > 5

5.2 < Post-condition Two > 5

6. Use Case Swimlane (Activity) Diagram 5

7. Main/Basic Flow(s) of Events (Happy Path) 5

7.1 <First Main Flow Name> 5

7.2 <Second Main Flow Name> 5

8. Alternate/Exception Flow of Events 5

8.1 <First Alternative Flow Name> 5

8.2 <Second Alternative Flow Name> 5

9. Assumptions/Business Rules including Non-Functional Requirements 5

10. Use Case Specification Review and Signoff 5


  1. Introduction

This document captures detailed functional and non-functional BUSINESS requirements. Technical or application IT requirements should not be detailed here. A separate Use Case Summary document ties ALL the individual use cases together. First create the Use Case Summary document using application decomposition. Then increase the detail by creating the individual use case specifications – be careful not to create too many or not create enough use cases.

Write a single paragraph describing the purpose of the specific use case in the Introduction.

  1. Use Case Information
    1. Actors

An actor is someone or something (e.g. application system) outside the system or business that interacts with the application. For every Use Case, there must be at least one Main Actor and zero or more Secondary Actors. Actors should be a person, system, or time.

Actor Name






    1. Use Case Interaction

How does this use case relate to other uses cases? List predecessor and successor use cases.

  1. Trigger

What causes the use case to initiate?

  1. Pre-condition(s)

What use cases or other pre-conditions must be met before use can initiate?

    1. < Pre-condition One >
    2. < Pre-condition Two >


  1. Post-condition(s)

What are ALL the possible output states upon completion of the use case flows?

    1. < Post-condition One >
    2. < Post-condition Two >


  1. Use Case Swimlane (Activity) Diagram

Draw diagram(s) that cover ALL main and alternate flows.

  1. Main/Basic Flow(s) of Events (Happy Path)

For each main flow (usually ONE flow) write the list of steps that occur – describe WHAT occurs not HOW to do it!

    1. <First Main Flow Name>
    2. <Second Main Flow Name>


  1. Alternate/Exception Flow of Events

For each alternative flow (can be zero or more) write the list of steps that occur – describe WHAT occurs not HOW to do it!

    1. <First Alternative Flow Name>
    2. <Second Alternative Flow Name>


  1. Assumptions/Business Rules including Non-Functional Requirements

Be sure to number the assumption/business rules to allow easy reference to them. Business rules will be where non-functional requirements are recorded – have a way to specifically identify non-functional requirements.

  1. Use Case Specification Review and Signoff

Review and Signoff of the Use Case Specification


Project Team Role



Business Analyst

Systems Analyst


Originator: <person>/<team> Page 6 of 6 Date Created: <origination date>
Date Revised: <latest date revised>

Version Number: <version number>