instructions in the attached file. if you cannot complete with the time is given, please do not bid. No extra time will be added.

Conduct TWO informational interviews on either major exploration or career path exploration.

Interview either: A staff member, senior or graduate student, or professional in the field.

Use the information gathered from your informational interviews to write a summary of what you learned about this major or career path, and the process of interviewing.

  • Answer these questions

A review of the interview – whom did you interview, their title, their workplace, their phone number?

Provide a summary of what you asked and learned through this discussion. What critical information did you learn through this interview? Did anything surprise you? Excite you? Concern you?

How will this interview help you in your decision-making process? Did it confirm your ideas? Did it give you a new perspective on a program of study you hadn’t seriously consider before?

What are your next steps? Do you need to gather more information? Discuss what you have learned with your advisor or a career advisor? Conduct more informational interviews? Try it with an internship or part-time job?

Your Summary Reflection paper should be a minimum of 1-2 page, double spaced. You should use 1-inch margins and type in size 12-point font Times New Roman or Calibri Font. Appropriate grammar and spelling should be utilized in crafting your response. Please upload your completed response as either a .doc, .dox, or .pdf file format.