Course:Managerial Economics problem discussion(The subject is in the attachment) Requirements: APA format List each heading to you know when the criteria are met in APA Format with 2 peer-revi

  1. What is the basic economic problem that all persons, businesses and countries face?  What are the differences in the way a market process vs. a command process attempt to deal with the basic economic problem?  What is the difference between Economic Profits and Accounting Profits? Discuss the importance of taking into account the opportunity costs (implicit costs) in investment decisions. Illustrate you discussion with examples.

  1. Why is it important for managers to understand the mechanics of supply and demand both in the short run and the long run?  Give examples of companies whose business was either helped or hurt by changes in supply or demand in the market in which they are competing.

  1. In the market for medications, there is a difference in demand for medications that are under patent, medications that have a strong name brand, and medications that are generics.  Discuss the differences in demand for these three different types of medications.  Be sure to discuss these differences using the concepts of price elasticity of demand, cross price elasticity of demand and income elasticity of demand.

  1. For those of you with current or previous work experience, how is (was) productivity measured in your organization.  Discuss the concepts of total production, average production and marginal production.  Relate production to cost and discuss how the ideas of total cost, average cost and marginal cost are used in decision making.

  1. There are four market models:  perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly.  Briefly discuss the assumptions of each of these four models and give examples of each.  Explain the long run economic profit earned by each of the four.  Explain how the concept of economic profit might help explain the rationale for the government’s granting of monopolies to those firms that protect their product with a patent.

  1. Discuss an example of price discrimination coming from your own personal experience. Is it an example of first, second or third degree of price discrimination? Explain.

  1. A US importer who owes and Belgian company 500,000 Euros payable in 30 days from today expects that the US Dollar will weaken during this period.  What would you advise the importer to do?  What would happen if the imported took your advice yet instead of the dollar weakening, the dollar actually strengthened?

  1. Is it always necessary for government to intervene and internalize the profit and the cost externalities? Illustrate your answer using a real world example.