Choose one of the six articles we have read so far: “Intro to Globalization” Once you select your article, you will create an annotated outline to summarize what you have learned. I want to see that

Neoliberalism is a construct created to frame lar ge-scale changes in economic, political and cultural institutions and policies that can be traced to 1978-80 when Deng Xiaoping began to liberalize the socialist economy in China, Mar garet Thatcher was elected Prime Minister of Great Britain, and Ronald Reagan was elected President of the U.S.

IV . A Brief History of Neoliberalism David Harvey says that neoliberalism is a theory of political economic practices which proposes that human well-being is best advanced by liberating individual entr epreneurial fr eedoms and skills within an institutional framework defined by strong private pr operty rights , fr ee markets , and fr ee trade A. The basic neoliberal economic project involves the following: 1. Der egulation of economic transactions 2. privatization of state enterprises 3. Use of market pr oxies (e.g., contracts, public-private partnerships) in residual public sectors B. The role of the neoliberal state (government) is to preserve an institutional framework suitable for the above practices, including a legal and regulatory framework adequate for markets to function C. Neoliberalism requires reference points to make sense. Two reference points to neoliberalism are classical liberalism and embedded liberalism ( Keynesianism ) 1. Classical liberalism is the doctrine advanced by classical political economists like Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill that society is best built on formally fr ee choices made by rational citizens who seek to advance personal interests and goals in a competitive market economy . a. This implies society is best or ganized based on a fr ee market economy and free, monetized exchange where the state pr omotes maximum latitude for individual fr eedom of action . b. Only in a free market economy can the invisible hand of the market regulate investment and employment through operation of the law of supply and demand . 2. Embedded liberalism (or Keynesianism ) is a blend of market, state, and democratic governance where public investment in economic demand maintenance and economic regulation facilitates economic growth, trade, and prosperity . a. the Gr eat Depr ession of 1929 is often identified as the beginning of a period of Keynesian policies in many advanced capitalist countries that featured gr owth of the welfar e state (social security , unemployment, insurance), restrictions on finance capital, and the recognition of labor rights and labor unions .