CHRISTIAN CLASS Each worksheet assignment will focus on the use of the Old Testament (OT) in each section of the Book of Hebrews. Your response should be in-depth, and should clearly show that you hav

Cockerill Worksheet Chart Example

CHRI 4346: Hebrews

Passage in Hebrews

OT Passage Used

LXX elements

Differences with OT passage


Heb 1:7

“He makes his angels winds, and his ministers a flame of fire”

Ps 104:4

“you make the winds your messengers,
    fire and flame your ministers”

The syntax of the LXX leads the author to read this as a statement about angels who are transformed in fire/wind, not vice versa as the original Hebrew text intends.

The psalm seems to be saying that God uses wind and fire as his messengers, not that he transforms angels into wind and fire.

The author uses this LXX passage to emphasize the angels’ temporal, mutable nature. They are bound to this creation, while the Son is everlasting.

The author may also be alluding to the Sinai event where the angels/winds/fire were present. If so, this is continuing the contrast between the revelation of Sinai and the revelation through God’s Son.

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