instructions in the attached file

Family Law and Practice

By Luppino, Grace A. / Miller, Justine Fitzgerald

Edition : 5TH 20

Publisher : PEARSON

ISBN 13 : 9780135186312

Read chapters 3 and 4, focusing on the pages which discuss prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements.

Postnuptial Agreements in Florida are NOT defined in any Florida Statutes and are treated as common law contracts. Read the two cases IN THE ATTACHMENT, Castro v. Castro ( Florida Supreme Court 1987), and Stephanos v. Stephanos, (Dist Court, 4th District, 2020).

also read: (Links to an external site.)

In TWO-THREE pages explain how Florida Courts will enforce the contractual terms of a postnuptial agreement. Are the courts saying that, in essence, a prenuptial agreement and a postnuptial agreement are to be deemed to be ‘simple contracts’, and that a bad bargain, freely entered into, will NOT be disturbed by the courts?

Discuss the legal grounds upon which prenuptial and postnuptial agreements can be challenged after execution.