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Evaluating Communication Effectiveness

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Review the following:

  • "The Basic Communication Model" on pp. 9–10 in the textbook

  • Obstacles to Successful Communication


  • Differing frames of reference. Your experiences, education, culture, expectations, and personality result in biases that you bring to a communication situation.

  • Lack of language skill. The sender and receiver have different skill levels in spelling, grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, etc.

  • Distractions and noise. Both senders and receivers are affected by emotional interference, physical distractions, and digital interruptions. Noise is anything that interrupts the transmission of a message. Noise can apply to oral communication (static, mannerisms, uncomfortable chairs, etc.) or written communication (misspelled words, being overloaded with messages, etc.).


Your Assignment

Using the eight phases of the communication process, analyze a miscommunication you’ve recently had with a coworker, supervisor, classmate, instructor, friend, or family member by answering the following questions:

  1. What idea was the sender trying to share? How did they encode and transmit it? Did the receiver get the message? Did the receiver decode the message as the sender had intended? How do you know?

  2. Based on your analysis, what do you think prevented successful communication in this instance?

  3. What could the sender and/or receiver have differently to prevent the miscommunication?

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Post your responses below by clicking "Reply." To successfully complete this assignment,

  • Meet the expectations outlined in the grading rubric (Links to an external site.) (for additional information, review Online Discussion Grading and Guidelines).