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Book: Dunn and Haimann’s healthcare management.

Katelin’s post

As Dunn. (2016) states, "Another important element of an organization's foundation is the number of people who report to a particular manager. Span of management deals with the number of people any one person can supervise effectively. Several factors influence the span of one's management control..." These factors that contribute to the decision are competence of said person, ability to be in close proximity of team, required interaction needed between management and employee, complexity of tasks performed, and ability to be competent with procedures and technology. Having more management among employees cost more for the organization. Of course, the higher you move up the management ladder the more money that you will make. However, you can not run any department without a supervisor, manager, director, and so forth. The money must be spent, the more complex the department and more attention that a team may need with their supervisor/manager the fewer employees that manager should be in charge of. When you add more management to one single department sometimes they may run into each other as who makes this decision or who has the say so. Never good to have too much management for various reasons. 

As a future health care manager depending on the department that I am running I think focusing on management and having the right people in place is extremely important. About two months ago our manager left and a few weeks into that our director retired. We have seen the effects of no management tremendously. Our department has run itself very well on our own, however, there is a lot of stuff not being done behind the scenes that the employees don't do. This has created many issues among the department and multiple people who have been in the organization for a long time have wanted to take it upon themselves to all be in charge. Which has created many arguments and difficulties of what is the right thing to do when no one is in charge. We need someone who is behind us backing us up especially since we work in a Cath Lab with unexpected cases all the time. Someone needs to say no to the doctors and not allow them to add on cases when our shifts are over and burning us out sometimes not getting a full lunch because our schedule is so crazy. Having the ability to talk to a manger and discuss concerns or ask for help is very important. We are only one team, we could work 10 hours, be on call all night, potentially get called in and work another 10 hours. As I said, making sure management is in place and effectively delegated to the appropriate amount of people is something that would be my main focus. Assuring that I have the appropriate amount of staff to run our department which will help with employees being burnt out and having a safe amount of staff for our patients and procedures.

Dunn, R., & Health, I. (2016). Dunn and Haimann’s healthcare management. Health Administration Press ; Chicago, Illinois.

Erin’s post

Dunn and Haimann describe span of control as "the number of people who report to a particular manager" (2021).  There is a relationship between the width of the span of supervision and the number of levels along with advantages and disadvantages.  When a more narrow span is implemented there becomes more layers of management.  This also increases the layers  of communication that must occur and makes coordination efforts more difficult.  These employees then have an increased distance in regard to their access to upper level management.  With a broader span, the organizations tend to be more flexible and have increased morale and productivity because there are fewer communication barriers to the top leader.  

The healthcare organization that I work for was a small, independent institution for many years before merging with a large health system.  There was definitely a decrease in employee morale and sense of belonging following the merger.  There were many additional layers of management implemented which created that distance in communication.  As a health care manager, I think it's important to find a balance.  There are many factors that have an influence on the span of control such as competence of staff being managed, physical location of employees, whether employees are performing standard work or frequently changing tasks and monitoring capabilities.  I believe that communication is the key to making it successful.  It is also important to be aware of potential conflicts and to address them effectively.  


Dunn, R., & Health, I. (2021). Dunn and Haimann’s healthcare management. Health

Professor’s post (Questions to me)

Thank you Genesis,

What are some of the important functions a Organization Manual can affect in a work setting?

Does your organization have and use them?

As a future manager, what would you do differently?

Madison’s post

Personally, I would not consider myself a good delegator. I am the type of person who likes to do a lot of stuff on my own and not ask people for help unless it is really needed.  I do not like handing people work as I feel guilty and sometimes it can come across as rude or "stuck up." If I were in a management position, I feel this would be a crucial skill that I would need to improve. When you become a manager or move up the chain, I feel that you take on a lot more responsibilities and would need to delegate some of the smaller tasks to people who work with you.  

Ali’s post

I conceive myself as good at delegating. I clearly understand what tasks need to be completed to achieve a goal, and I can assign those tasks to others based on their skills and abilities. I view this as a strength because it allows me to focus on the big picture and trust that the details will be taken care of. Delegating can be a difficult skill to master, but if done correctly it can save me time and energy. There are several reasons why someone might view delegation as a strength. First, delegating allows someone to focus on more important tasks. Second, it allows others to take on responsibilities that they may not be qualified to handle. Delegating can help build teamwork and cooperation within an organization. If delegation is not done correctly, then it can lead to arguments and conflict. When delegating tasks, it is important for the delegator to be clear about what they expect from the delegate and what resources they will need in order for the task to be completed successfully. Failure to properly delegate can lead to feelings of frustration on both sides of the equation.According to chapter 14 of the book (pg.360) Delegation of authority makes the organization operative  (Dunn and Haimann, 2021).   Which mean that the organization cannot function without delegation of authority. Delegation of authority enables the organization to operate and to accomplish its mission or purpose.