Please read the instructions attached. cite your work and writ 1-2 paragraphs for each reply. This is like a discussion board.

Please reply to each person below with 1 full paragraph (not too short). This is like a discussion board.


Your job as a respondent to your classmates' posts is to see if they have any logical fallacies in their responses. If they do, please point them out. If your classmate caught something you did not, go ahead and point that out as well. This may seem daunting to do this to your classmates, but remember, there is a way to do this and be respectful. This is all about learning. Enjoy the learning.

1-Jennifer’s post

Logical Fallacy Discussion


The first fallacy I would like to discuss is appeal to trust. According to, you can show credibility through your profession, such as a doctor. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that “most childhood vaccines are 90%-99% effective in preventing disease.” We, as a society seldom question those that we call experts. When we have had good experiences, we tend to develop a certain level of trust in them. We believe that the doctors are taking care of our children in a reliable and trustworthy way.

The second fallacy I would like to discuss is appeal to fear. Herper (2014) states “UNICEF reported that, globally, 453,000 children die from rotavirus, 476,000 die from pneumococcus (the bacterium that causes pneumonia, meningitis, and blood infections), 199,000 die from Hib (a bacterium that causes pneumonia and meningitis), 195,000 die from pertussis (whooping cough), 118,000 die from the measles, and 60,000 die from tetanus each year, all vaccine-preventable diseases.” Just reading these scary numbers is enough for most parents to vaccinate their children. He does not state how many people survive these illnesses. It only states the death statistics in what could be considered a scare tactic.

The next fallacy is appeal to authority. Kurt Perkins, DC, a chiropractor and wellness expert, stated, “A vaccine violates all laws of natural immune defenses by taking a potential pathogen along with all the TOXIC ingredients (aluminum, formaldehyde, adjuvants, etc.) directly into your blood system. This process would never occur in building natural immunity. That last sentence is kind of an oxy-moron. Immunity is a natural thing. Vaccines are an artificial thing.” Kurt Perkins, DC, may or may not be an expert. It states he is a wellness expert, not an expert on vaccines.

Universal Basic Income:

Smith (2020) states, “UBI might prevent the negative childhood experiences believed to lead to mental illness and other problems later in life. These include experiencing violence or abuse, or having parents with mental health, substance abuse and legal problems. Behind these problems are often poverty, inequality and social isolation.” I would associate this with the hasty generalization fallacy. He is indicating that by giving them the UBI, these problems would be solved. There is a possibility that it could be worse. There is a possibility that more money in the hands of a substance abuser, could lead to them buying more drugs and alcohol with the extra money instead of basic necessities.

The next fallacy is excluded middle. Charles Wyplosz, PhD (2016), states, “if we pay people, unconditionally, to do nothing… they will do nothing”. The author is showing an extreme viewpoint. Just because people are given the ubi, it does not automatically mean that they will discontinue working. The other extreme would be that they just save the ubi and don’t use it for anything and continue working the same jobs. I think a good middle ground viewpoint could be that they use the ubi to supplement their income. This is not discussed.


“Fallacies: Alphabetical List (Unique”.

American Academy of Pediatrics. (2008). "Vaccine Safety: The Facts,"

Herper, M. (2014, April 16) "Dear Jenny McCarthy, Here's How Many Lives Could Be Saved Cheaply by Making Vaccines More Widely Available”. (Links to an external site.).

Perkins, K. (2014, June 12) "Dr. Kurt: Why I Will Never Choose to Vaccinate My Own Son and Any Future Kids My Wife and I Have," (Links to an external site.)

Smith, M. (2020, April 27) “Universal Basic Income Could Improve the Nation’s Mental Health,” (Links to an external site.)

Wyplosz, C. (2016, Dec 8). "Universal Basic Income: The Contradictions of a Simple Idea,"

2- Madison’s post


In proponent 1 of Vaccines, the logical fallacy appeal to fear is highly sought after in the article published by the Healthy Children Website, (Vaccine Safety: Get the Facts, 2021).

In proponent 5 of Vaccines, appeal to common belief is used as a logical fallacy, in the article written by Steven Weinreb.

Universal Basic Income:

In opponent 1 of Universal Basic Income there is are two logical fallacies, in the article written by Robert Greenstein. Greenstein uses the repetition and excluded middle logical fallacies.

In opponent 2 of Universal Basic Income the logical fallacy, hasty generalization, is found in the article written by Allison Schrager.


Greenstein , R. (2019, June 13). Commentary: Universal basic income may sound attractive but, if it occurred, would likelier increase poverty than reduce it. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

Schrager , A. (2013, November 16). Why you need a healthy amount of uncertainty in an economy. Quartz. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

Vaccine safety: Get the facts. (2021, November 22). Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

Weinreb, S. L. (2011, December 27). For the Herd's sake, vaccinate. The New York Times. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

3-Cole’s post

Logical Fallacy Discussion

The methodology I chose for this week's assignment is simple. I will look for the five logical fallacies in each stance. I will try to find all of them in the least number of quoted evidence, not because others do not have more but because of the time and writing space I am limited. This would become a 10-page paper otherwise. I will also limit myself to one or two examples of a particular instance of a certain fallacy, such as one instance of Red Herring in each pro or con. With that out of the way here are my findings.

The five logical fallacies I chose to get to know this week and look out for are the Red Herring Fallacy, the Missing The Point Fallacy, the Misleading Vividness Fallacy, the Hastey Generalization Fallacy, and the False Dilemma Fallacy. I am looking for these Fallacies in The Universal Basic Income (UBI) topic.

In con 2 there are 5/5 of the logical fallacies I am looking for in the articles it uses for evidence. I have found The Hasty Generalization Fallacy and the Misleading Vividness in the same quote. In the Universal Basic Income Is A Bad Idea article here the author switches from his argument that UBI is too expensive to Automation will reduce jobs and make more meaningful jobs. With the Misleading Vividness Fallacy the proof that these meaningful jobs will surface because they have before. Just, because it happened in the past, does not mean it will in the future. The Vividness of past automation is a Hasty Generalization and a miss leading to Vividness Fallacy. “Will automation replace some jobs? Yes. It is almost guaranteed that some jobs will be phased out. But other, more meaningful jobs will be created in its place. This has been the case since the rise of humanity.”(Hughes, 2020)


Hughes, R. A. (2020, October 26). Universal basic income is a bad idea. Bull Oak Capital. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

Lucas, C., & Hinds, D. (2016, September 14). Universal basic income - Hansard - UK parliament. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

Joffe, M. (2017, April 3). Universal basic income: An idea whose time should never come. The Fiscal Times. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

Patel, S. B., & Kariel, J. (2021, January 26). Universal basic income and COVID-19 pandemic. The BMJ. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

4- Michael’s post

Social media accounts should not be part of an interview process. Unfortunately, it is a common practice to use social media as a pre-screening tool. Harvard business school writes “According to a 2018 CareerBuilder survey, 70% of employers check out applicants profiles as part of their screening process, and 54% have rejected applicants based on what they found.”(Wong 2021). It is a slippery slope to unethical hiring practices. There is a potential to violate the civil rights act. There are inherent biases that we all have. As hiring managers we are supposed to ignore these, but what if we are unconsciously discriminating against applicants. Personally, I prefer not to walk into an interview with any preconceived notions of who this person may be other than what the resume and references have provided. A persons work ethic, skills, and experience should be the only determining factors. Social media can easily present information such as gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and disabilities. None of this information is on a resume or is it okay to ask in an interview. Therefore, it should not be part of a screening process.

Technology does have a place in the hiring process. When seeking talent outside of the local market, video conferencing plays a crucial role in interviewing applicants. Last year, I interviewed at Spectrum Health for a Radiology manager position. It was a multi step process with an HR interview, a director interview, and a panel interview. This was accomplished via multiple Microsoft Team meetings. The requirements if in-person would have been too time consuming for a position four hours away. A Microsoft teams meeting as a means to screen and interview applicants is a cost and time savings to both the organization as well as the applicant. However, there is no replacement for the 1on1 communication that takes place in person. As Dunn mentioned in chapter five “ Of all media, face-to-face communication between supervisors and employees is still the most widely used and the most effective because it provides immediate feedback. (Dunn 2022). As a final step to an interview process a manager should always meet this potential employee in person.


Dunn, R. (2022). Dunn & Haimann's Healthcare Management. Health Administration Press.

Wong, R. (2021, September 2). Stop screening job candidates' social media. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved September 18, 2022, from

5- Carlee’s post

Personally, I would not use a social media platform to conduct an interview. I believe that social media is a private, personal place and should not be used to conduct a professional interview.

Now, if the interview was through a site dedicated to this specifically like Microsoft teams, I would consider using it only if there was not another option. Due to covid, there has been some changes we have had to make and this has been one of them. For my first job as a Surgical Technologist, my interview was conducted over the phone and that was it. There was no face to face. Granted the place was so desperate for help they were hiring everyone unless a huge red flag was raised, but I feel that this is what is happening now in healthcare. As long as you have most of the requirements they will hire you because they are so desperate for help. If things were back to the way they were before COVID, I would conduct only in-person, face-to-face interviews because I feel that you learn so much more about people this way, rather than over a video conference.

6- Professor’s post (question to me)

Thank you, Genesis,

Reimbursement reductions have had a major impact on may healthcare organizations.

As a result, organizations have had to reduce expenses to respond.

What are some of the types of ways management can reduce expenses and how do they influence the work force?

7- Meaghan’s post

According to Dunn and Haimann the purpose of periodic performance appraisals is a "formal system of measuring, evaluating, and influencing an employee's job-related activities." (Dunn, 2022). This would be like a report card but, for a professional setting. I would be a proponent to this approach because I think it is a good idea to know what you need to work on and if you are doing a good job or not. Now, I do not think co-workers should be able to fill these out. I really think these identify strengths and weakness's of the employee and to help them be successful in the future. In my job, I had a 30 day, 60 day, and 90 day evaluation done but, it was not done my the managers it was done by my co-workers. Which I do not think is a good idea at all and I had this discussion with management because you never know how someone feels about someone else. I do think that the size of the organization has a lot of to with it too, managers already have a lot to do and depending on the size of their unit to department it could be a hassle. That being said, these types of performance appraisals should be done but, not just for 30, 60, and 90 day. I really think these should be done every 6 months and I know that sounds like a lot but, I think this is a good way to help the employee and management if something were to arise.

8- Ali’s post

Periodic performance appraisals are a way to measure an employee's progress and identify any areas that need improvement. Dunn and Haimann defined performance appraisal A formal system of measuring, evaluating, and influencing an employee’s job-related activities(Dunn and Haimann,2022).The purpose of these appraisals is to help employees know where they stand in relation to their peers and to provide feedback on how they can improve. By providing this feedback, employees can develop strategies for improving their performance.

There are pros and cons to periodic performance appraisals. The main pro is that they help employees stay on track and make strides in their career development. The main con is that some employees may feel like they're being judged constantly, which could lead to stress or frustration.I would be a proponent of periodic performance appraisals because it allows for employees to receive feedback on their work and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, this approach can help to ensure that employees are meeting expectations and goals.


Dunn, R. (2022). Dunn & Haimann's Healthcare Management. Health Administration Press.