In my experimental psychology class, we were asked to think of a topic that can be researched on and to think of a hypothesis, as well as how am I going to do a a study on it. My proposal topic so far

Name: _________________________________

Proposal Topic

For this assignment I want you to think about what psychology topic you are interested in and would like to investigate for your Research Proposal Paper. When you have decided on your topic, I want you to start thinking about how you would make it into a research study. This assignment will help you solidify a foundation to start working on your paper. This Proposal Topic worksheet is worth 10 points of your final course score.

  1. What topic would you like to examine for your research proposal paper? (1 point)

  1. What is your specific hypothesis? (2 points)

  1. What will be your independent variable? Dependent variable? (2 points)

  1. How would the results of this study contribute to society? In other words, why would this study be important? (2 points)

  1. What do you already know about this topic? (1 point)

  1. If you were going to start investigating this topic, what would be some key words that you would use to start your literature search? (2 points)