Directions: Part 1: Using the "Comparison Table of Methods and Designs," ( attached) evaluate the three projects or studies indicated Part 2: Refer to the information from your "Comparison Table of M

Directions: Part 1: Using the "Comparison Table of Methods and Designs," ( attached) evaluate the three projects or studies indicated  Part 2: Refer to the information from your "Comparison Table of M 1


Comparison Table of Methods and Designs

APA Reference

(Include the GCU permalink or working link used to access the article.)

Research Methodology and Design


Setting characteristics

Sampling type (e.g., convenience, purposive, systematic)

Number of participants


  • Identify the instrument

  • Number of questions and how they are answered (e.g., open ended, multiple choice, Likert scale)

  • Include how the data was collected.


Reliability type (e.g., interrater, test-retest, internal)

Psychometric data (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha)


Validity type (e.g., construct, content, face)

Psychometric data (e.g., sensitivity, specificity)

Levels of Measurement

(Identify independent and dependent variables and the associated levels of measurements.)

Data Analysis

  • Statistical significance

  • Analysis test used

Cheng, J.-F., Huang, X.-Y., Lin, M.-C., Wang, Y.-H., & Yeh, T.-P. (2018). A mental health home visit service partnership intervention on improving patients’ satisfaction. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing32(4), 610–616.

Gilad, L., Haviv, Y. S., Cohen-Glickman, I., Chinitz, D., & Cohen, M. J. (2020). Chronic drug treatment among hemodialysis patients: a qualitative study of patients, nursing and medical staff attitudes and approaches. BMC Nephrology21(1), 239.

Zimmerman, P.-A. P., Sladdin, I., Shaban, R. Z., Gilbert, J., & Brown, L. (2020). Factors influencing hand hygiene practice of nursing students: A descriptive, mixed-methods study. Nurse Education in Practice44.

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