ASSESSMENT TASK 3: DESCRIPTION Write a case study essay on one (1) of the weekly network themes below (Networks; Power; Space; Narrative, etc.). To focus your discussion, you also need to select one (

Stuff: Global Trade of Electronics

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The global trade of electronics is a vast and complex network involving the movement of goods and services worldwide. This network comprises many players, including manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, and consumers. Each of these players has a different role to play in the global trade of electronics, and each one plays a vital role in ensuring that the goods and services are able to flow smoothly around the world. The manufacturers are the first link in the global trade of electronics. They are responsible for designing and creating the products that will be traded globally. To be successful, manufacturers must have a strong understanding of the global market and the needs of their customers. They must also be able to produce high-quality products that meet the demands of the worldwide market. The essay will focus on the network of global trade of electronics.

Stuff: Global Trade of Electronics

The electronics trade network has a number of different characteristics that make it unique. The network is highly globalized, with electronic goods and services being traded between countries on a regular basis. The network is highly competitive, with businesses and individuals vying for a share of the market. The network is constantly evolving, with new products and services being introduced on a regular basis. The electronics trade network has a number of different benefits for those involved in it. It allows businesses to reach a global market for their products and services (Mulaydinov, 2021). It allows businesses to tap into a vast pool of potential customers. In addition, it provides a platform for businesses to display their products and services to the world. The global trade of electronics is a network that is directly relevant to the global economy. This network includes the manufacture, distribution, and consumption of electronic goods and services. The global trade of electronics is a $2 trillion industry that employs millions of people around the world (De Mattos, 2020). The United States is the largest electronic goods and services producer, accounting for about one-third of the world's total production. China is the second-largest producer, followed by Japan, Germany, and South Korea (Nakayama et al., 2019).

Suppliers play a key role in the global trade of electronics as well. They are responsible for providing the raw materials and components that the manufacturers use to create the products (Dollar, 2020). To be successful, suppliers must have a strong understanding of the products that they are supplying and the needs of the manufacturers. They must also be able to provide high-quality products that meet the demands of the global market. Distributors play a vital role in the global trade of electronics. They are responsible for getting the products from the manufacturers to the retailers. To be successful, distributors must have a strong understanding of the products they are distributing and the needs of the retailers. They must also be able to provide high-quality products that meet the demands of the global market.

Retailers are the final link in the global trade of electronics. They are responsible for selling the products to the consumers. To be successful, retailers must have a strong understanding of the products that they are selling and the needs of the consumers. They must also be able to provide high-quality products that meet the demands of the global market.

The global trade of electronics has been growing rapidly in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for electronic goods and services in developing countries (Hayward, 2019). The growth of the global trade of electronics has been fueled by the increasing demand for mobile phones, computers, and other consumer electronics in developing countries. The growth of the global trade of electronics has also been driven by the increasing demand for industrial electronics in developed countries. The global trade of electronics is expected to continue to grow in the future, driven by the increasing demand for electronic goods and services in both developed and developing countries.

However, the global electronics trade is a very complex network because of the many players. The manufacturers always facilitate for the production of the electronics, and they are the ones who create the products that are sold in the global market. The suppliers always provide the raw materials and components that are necessary for the manufacturing process, and they play a vital role in the global market. The distributors and retailers on the other hand are responsible for the distribution of the electronics, and they are the ones who make sure that the products reach the global market. The global electronics trade is a very important part of the global economy, and it is responsible for a large portion of the world's trade. The global electronics trade is worth billions of dollars every year, and it is responsible for the employment of millions of people around the world (Chen et al., 2019).

The Operations of Power and Exchange in the Way Electronics Operate In a Global Network

Global trade is the exchange of goods, services, and money among countries, regions, and people. The electronic goods trade is one of the most essential aspects of global trade, as it is the largest and most lucrative sector within the global economy. The electronic goods trade is worth trillions of dollars every year, and it is responsible for the employment of millions of people around the world (Monti et al., 2018). The electronic goods trade is also a major contributor to the global economy, as it is responsible for producing a large number of products and services consumed by people all over the world. The way in which electronic devices operate in a global network is determined by the operations of power and exchange. Electronics are linked to a variety of other devices through a process of communication that is facilitated by the exchange of information. The electronics also linked to a variety of other devices through a process of power that is facilitated by the use of electricity. In order to understand the way in which electronic devices operate in a global network, it is necessary to understand the operations of power and exchange.

The electronic goods trade is a highly competitive and rapidly changing sector of the global economy. A small number of large multinational corporations dominate the electronic goods trade. These corporations have the resources and the power to influence the direction of the electronic goods trade. The electronic goods trade is also affected by the actions of governments and international organizations. The electronic goods trade is a complex and dynamic process.


In conclusion, the electronics industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. The global trade of electronics has grown significantly over the past few years. The United States, China, and Japan are the world's three largest electronics exporters. The United States is the largest importer of electronics in the world. A number of factors, including the availability of raw materials, the state of the global economy, the political environment, and the actions of governments and international organizations, influence electronic goods trade. New companies are constantly entering the market and introducing new products. This means that the balance of power within the network is continually shifting. The electronics industry is expected to continue to grow in the future.


Chen, G. Q., Wu, X. D., Guo, J., Meng, J., & Li, C. (2019). Global overview for energy use of the world economy: Household-consumption-based accounting based on the world input-output database (WIOD). Energy Economics81, 835-847.

De Mattos, F. B. (2020). 3 The electronics industry. Employment implications for developing countries, 45.

Dollar, D. (2020). The future of global supply chains: What are the implications for international trade. Reimagining the global economy. Brookings Institute.

Hayward, D. J. (2019). International trade and regional economies: The impacts of European integration on the United States. Routledge.

Monti, A., Stevic, M., Vogel, S., De Doncker, R. W., Bompard, E., Estebsari, A., & Benigni, A. (2018). A global real-time superlab: Enabling high penetration of power electronics in the electric grid. IEEE Power Electronics Magazine5(3), 35-44.

Mulaydinov, F. (2021). Digital Economy Is A Guarantee Of Government And Society Development. Ilkogretim Online20(3), 1474-1479.

Nakayama, W., Boulton, W., & Pecht, M. (2019). The Japanese electronics industry. CRC press.