For your Research Proposal you will need at least 20 resources cited throughout your paper; 15 of these should be peer-reviewed resources. For this assignment I want you to collect the first set of r

1st 15 Articles

For your Research Proposal you will need at least 20 resources cited throughout your paper; 15 of these should be peer-reviewed resources. For this assignment I want you to collect the first set of references (15 articles) that you will use, state how they will be used in your paper, and put the citation in the correct APA 7th edition format for your reference page. This assignment will help you organize your paper as well as start writing your reference section. This assignment is worth 5 points of your final course score.


Article 1

Entry for reference page:

Drews, F. A., Pasupathi, M., & Strayer, D. L. (2008). Passenger and cell phone

conversations in simulated driving. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 14(4), 392-400.

How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

I will be using this article in my paper to cite for background information as to why my study should be conducted. In this study, the investigators only used participants from Utah, and based on another survey, which I will cite in my paper, I think driving habits are worse in Houston; therefore, this study should also be conducted in Houston to increase the external validity. I also plan to use this article to reference the methodology used.

*What is your hypothesis? Continued usage of social media sites like Facebook, twitter and Instagram among teenagers increase their risk of acquiring symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Article 1

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 2

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 3

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 4

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 5

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 6

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 7

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 8

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 9

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 10

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 11

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 12

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 13

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 14

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?

Article 15

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How will this paper be used in my Research Proposal?