It is required to provide at least 15 “bugs” (problems/needs). - You are asked to write down 15 things that annoy you, things that frustrate you, and any dissatisfaction you have with the way the worl

Grading rubrics of opportunity identification log

1. Total number of problems identified: at least 15 problems should be identified - each log below 15 will lead to a deduction of 0.5 points;

2. Clarity of the description: the extent to which each log is clearly described:
a. Each log should clearly describe 1) what you experienced, 2) the reason for the frustration, and 3) what had been your expectation.

Grading rubrics of the new business idea summary

Each summary should clearly describe and provide specific information on the following:
1) Customers & their problems (1 point)

2) Your solution (1 point)

3) The assessment of the solution as compared to other companies/existing solutions (4 points):
a. Uniqueness of your solution as compared to other solutions
b. Values for your customers

4) Feasibility of the solution as a business opportunity (4 points)
a. Market for your solution: your assumption and evidence supporting your proposition about
the market
b. Resources needed to pursue the opportunity and availability of those resources