Complete a 3-page single space case study on the material in the attached fairfox case study document below. The 3 pages does not include the cover page or reference page! CITE ALL REFERENCES IN APA F

Complete a 3-page single space case study on the material in the attached fairfox case study document below. The 3 pages does not include the cover page or reference page! CITE ALL REFERENCES IN APA F 1

Environmental Toxicology

The above map illustrates a wood treater’s site which used copper, chromium and arsenic (CCA) as a pressure-treated process for utility poles, pilings, heavy timber and plywood from 1980 to 2010. The CCA dripped on the ground during the drying process. The plant is close to two schools and is in the middle of a residential neighborhood of primarily African Americans. You are asked to develop a plan to do a risk assessment and to evaluate the site. Please answer the questions below.

  1. Use the risk assessment framework and the provided fact sheets. We are concerned with the workers and the resident’s exposure to CCA through the air, runoff of soil to a creek and low lying areas and the schools.

  2. How would you set up a survey for the workers and the residents?

  3. The occupational workers have reported diverting contaminated water to near-by school grounds and ponds. What could you do to document their concerns for contaminating the area and their exposures while working at the plant?

  4. What are the preceptors ((e.g. workers, children, residents) and what are the likely exposure routes for each group.

  5. Consider environmental testing of gardens, water and soil?

  6. Could you do biomonitoring on preceptors?

  7. The CCA is a carcinogen and also the components have acute effects. Please use the fact sheets to draw a dose/response curve for both.

  8. Give me a diagram on how you might set up risk communication and training with the workers, residents and schools.

You may use your notes, book and the internet to address the questions above but please use a common sense approach.