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CCA-Treated Wood Fact Sheet

What Is CCA?

Chromated copper arsenate (CCA) is a water-soluble inorganic pesticide most commonly used to protect wood and make it resistant to attack by termites and fungi that cause decay.

The wood is dipped in a solution of CCA and subjected to vacuum pressure to force penetration of CCA into the wood. CCA-treated wood is also referred to as pressure-treated wood and is known by the trade name Wolmanized.

Wood treated with CCA was widely used in outdoor structures such as decks, playground equipment, picnic tables, garden-bed borders and docks before 2003.

However, wood treated with CCA can still be used for commercial, industrial and some agricultural purposes.

Where does the CCA on the Pressure-Treated Wood Surface go?

Newly CCA-treated wood may have some pesticide residue left on the wood surface from the treatment process. Because CCA is water-soluble, rainwater can seep in and leach CCA onto the wood surface.

Cracking of the wood as it ages speeds up the leaching process. The CCA residue can be wiped or dislodged from the wood surface and can stick to hands or clothing from contact with the wood surface.

Since CCA can be leached from CCA-treated wood by rainwater and CCA-Treated Wood weathering, the soil beneath and adjacent to CCA-treated wood structures has been shown to be contaminated by arsenic, chromium, and copper.

When decks built with CCA-treated wood were coated with a waterproof sealant the soil underneath had lower concentrations of the metals.

Concern About Children’s Exposure

Young children are more at risk of exposure to CCA because they tend to spend more time playing outdoors, and because they have frequent hand-to-mouth activities.

When playing on playground equipment or decks built with CCA-treated wood, they can be exposed to CCA by touching the CCA leachate on the wood surface with their hands and then involuntarily ingest the CCA on their hands by hand-to-mouth activity.

The amount of CCA leached on the surface of the wood depends upon the type of wood and the age of the structure.

The amount ingested is also dependent upon how frequent the child puts their hand in his/her mouth.

Children may also be exposed to CCA in contaminated soil when playing under these structures by touching the contaminated soil with their hands and then placing them in their mouths.

Greatest Health Risk from CCA

Exposure to Arsenic

Dissolved liquid from CCA contains arsenic, chromium, and copper.

Available information suggests that exposure to the arsenic in CCA-treated wood poses the greatest

potential health risk. However, there is great uncertainty regarding the exposure dose that results from contact with CCA-treated wood.

Potential health effects that may result from contact with wood treated with CCA are irritant or corrosive effect on the respiratory tract, irritation of the skin, digestive tract and eyes, cancer.

While some of the effects are solely because of arsenic exposure, some health effects may occur due to the presence of other components of CCA.

How to Prevent Exposure to CCA

The following measures can prevent or reduce exposure to CCA:

When working with CCA-treated wood, wear dust masks, gloves, and protective clothing to decrease exposure to sawdust (ATSDR 2007).

 Apply a sealant every one to two years to CCA-treated wood structures to reduce direct contact with the wood preservative (CDPH 2007; CPSC 2006).

 Do not allow children to play under CCA-treated wood decks, and encourage them to wash up after playing on decks or playground equipment.

 Use alternative building materials, such as plastics and hardwood, for outdoor structures (EPA 2008).

 Cover CCA-treated wood used for garden-bed borders with heavy plastic Safe Handling and Disposal

Safe Handling and Disposal

 Retail stores that sell CCA-treated wood should have copies of the consumer information sheet that describes safe handling recommendations.

 CCA-treated wood may be disposed of as ordinary household trash, but do not burn CCA-treated wood because toxic chemicals would be released into the air or remain in the ashes (EPA 2008).

 Do not use CCA-treated wood as mulch or wood chips. Do not put sawdust from CCA-treated wood in the composting pile.


ATSDR. 2007. Toxicological profile for arsenic (and 2012 update). Atlanta: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

CDPH. 2007. Pesticides used in pressure-treated wood. Hartford: Connecticut Department of Public Health.

CPSC. 2006. Evaluation of the effectiveness of surface coatings in reducing dislodge able arsenic from new wood pressure-treated with chromate copper arsenate (CCA). Draft Final Report. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

EPA. 2008. Chromated copper arsenicals (CCA).

Chou S., Colman J., Tylenda C., & De Rosa C. (2007). Chemical-specific health consultation for chromated copper arsenate chemical mixture: Port of Djibouti. Toxicology and Industrial Health; 23: 183–208