NOTE: USE TEMPLATE. REMOVE THE ANSWERS AND FILL IN THE SECTIONS The purpose for this assignment is analyze methods of poor communication and its effect on motivation, teamwork, and effective conflict

West Coast Transit Case Study

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Colangelo College of Business, Grand Canyon University

MGT-420: Organizational Behavior and Management

Lisa Duryee

Type the Assignment Submission Date Here

West Coast Transit

**This video will further explain the assignment:

Your introduction should be typed here. It should be at least four sentences and include a thesis statement. Please note that you should follow all APA writing rules within your essay. This means avoid first and second person, do not use contractions, and use citations throughout your paper! You should have numerous citations in each section to support your claims as needed. The body of the paper should be between 1600 and 1800 words. The final sentence in your introduction must be a strong thesis statement that introduces the key topics that will be introduced in the paper. Here is an example: In the pages to follow, management of effective teams at West Coast Transit will be explored with particular focus on the stages of group formation, behavioral roles, communication, conflict and conflict management, and the application of motivational theories.

Effective Teams

Define and cite the three criteria for evaluating effective teams (hint, we covered this in Topic 4 DQ2) with citations from your academic research. Do not “stack” cited material. Always infuse your own ideas as well. Best practice: add the cited definitions as you address and appy each concept. Use the textbook for your main definitions so you are applying them correctly in the context of this course. Academic research includes the textbook, additional course materials, articles from the GCU library, or Google Scholar. Websites like are not acceptable, always avoid random websites. Once you have defined each criteria and given insight of your own about each, analyze whether the “team” in the WCT case study was effective based on the three criteria. Be sure to provide detailed examples and insight to support your assertions. Keep in mind the percentages in the grading rubric for each section so you know how much to develop each.

Five Stages of Group Formation

Provide a review of the five stages of group formation and cite your academic sources. This should include your own insight about these stages too. Evaluate the WCT Case Study and determine which stage the assembled group is in and provide detailed examples and insight to support your findings. Re-read my comment above about not “stacking” cited content. There should always be a good balance of your own insight and cited material for support. Keep in mind the percentages in the grading rubric for each section so you know how much to develop each.

Behavioral Roles

Define Schein’s three behavioral roles with citations from your academic research (hint, this is in the textbook) and infuse the material as you address each concept. Analyze the WCT case study and identify how each role is evident. Be sure to include detailed examples and insight to justify your position. Strengthen and support your claims with cited material. Keep in mind the percentages in the grading rubric for each section so you know how much to develop each.

Effective Communication

Define effective communication with citations from your academic research. Include examples from the case study and define/cite the barriers to effective communication that are present. Be detailed in your examples and evaluation. Strengthen and support your claims with cited content as needed to validate your position.

Two Types of Conflict

Describe and define the two main types of conflict identified in the textbook (Hint 1: you can find this in Chapter 16.1. Hint 2: One is not functional conflict). Determine the type of conflict(s) evident in the WCT case study. Include examples and insight. Strengthen and support your claims with cited content as you address each to validate your position. Keep in mind the percentages in the grading rubric for each section so you know how much to develop each.

Direct Conflict Management Approach

Define and recommend a specific direct conflict management approach from the textbook. Make sure you define it and cite. Explain why you chose this approach to manage the conflict with examples and insight, as well as why it is the most realistic choice considering the team dynamics. Keep in mind the percentages in the grading rubric for each section so you know how much to develop each.

Leadership, Maintenance, and Disruptive Activities

Define and cite leadership and maintenance activities and include your own insight. Identify a specific leadership and maintenance activity present in the WCT case study that should be encouraged (Hint – review chapter 12 and the term distributed leadership within section 12.7). Next, define disruptive activities and cite your academic research. Identify a specific disruptive behavior present in the WCT case study that should be discouraged. Provide detailed examples and insight to increase validity. Keep in mind the percentages in the grading rubric for each section so you know how much to develop each.

Motivation Problems and Solutions

Identify the most significant individual motivational problems experienced by each of the three members of the WCT team. Strengthen and support your claims with cited, scholarly material. Please remember that each paragraph in any essay needs to be at least 3 sentences. Keep in mind the percentages in the grading rubric for each section so you know how much to develop each. For instance, this section is worth 15% so it should be developed more than the sections worth less.

Content Theory

Suggest a specific Content Theory from the textbook that Denson could utilize to motivate a member of the team. Be sure to define the specific theory and cite the textbook. Provide examples and insight to justify your choice. Please remember that each paragraph in your essay needs to be at least 3 sentences. Include supporting citations to strengthen your claims.

Process Theory

Suggest a specific Process Theory from the textbook that Denson could utilize to motivate a member of the team. Be sure to define the specific theory and cite the textbook. Provide examples and insight to justify your choice. Please remember that each paragraph in your essay needs to be at least 3 sentences. Include supporting citations to strengthen your claims.

Reinforcement Theory

Suggest a specific Reinforcement Theory from the textbook that Denson could utilize to motivate a member of the team. Be sure to define the specific theory and cite the textbook. Provide examples and insight to justify your choice. Please remember that each paragraph in your essay needs to be at least 3 sentences. Include supporting citations to strengthen your claims.


The conclusion is the last paragraph. It should not introduce any new information; it should simply be a summary of your introduction, with a restatement of your thesis. Please remember that each paragraph in your essay needs to be at least three sentences.

**Additional notes: use this template, keep the topic headings in place and erase everything that is in red and replace it with your information. Do not use 1st person (ex. I, me, us) or 2nd person (ex. you). I am looking for a minimum of three academic sources and your textbook counts as one source. The case study is not an academic source, but you should cite it as needed and include it in your references. Make sure you create a separate reference page and format your sources according to APA requirements. The word count for this paper is between 1600 and 1800 words. Your LopesWrite Percentage must be under 20% with no more than two direct quotes. Please proof-read and run your paper through spell-check and follow the template and you should do very well on your essay. Review the next page for guidance on how to properly format your reference page.


Oke, M. (n.d.). West Coast Transit case study. Grand Canyon University. Retrieved from Course Materials:

Uhl-Bien, M., Piccolo, R.F., Schermerhorn, J. R. & Bachrach, D.G. (2021). MGT-420 organizational behavior and management with WileyPLUS. Wiley & Sons.