Below attached template for the data collection plan that needs to be done. The business idea is attached. please do it in a word file, a proper word document.

Part I: Strength of the Business Idea

  1. Extent to which the idea: Strong

  • Takes advantage of an environmental trend

  • Solves a problem

  • Addresses an unfilled gap in the marketplace

2. Timeliness of entry to the market – Moderately timely

3. Extent to which the idea "adds value" for its buyer or end user – High

4. Extent to which the customer is satisfied by competing products that are already available- Very satisfied

5. Degree to which the idea requires customers to change their basic practices or behaviors- Small to no change required

Part 2: industry related issues

  1. Number of competitors – Many

  2. Stage of the industry life cycle- Growth phase

  3. Growth rate of the industry- Moderate

  4. Importance of industry's products and/or services to customers- Must have

  5. Industry operating margins- Moderate

Part 3: Target market and customer-related issues

  1. Identification of the target market for the proposed new venture- Identified

  2. Ability to create "barriers to entry" for potential competitors- May or may not be able to create

  3. Purchasing power of customers- Moderate

  4. Ease of making customers aware of the new product or service- High

  5. Growth potential of target market- High

Part 4: Founders’ related issues

  1. Founder's or founders' experience in the industry- Moderate experience

  2. Founder's or founders' skills as they relate to the proposed new venture's product or service- moderate skills

  3. Extent of the founder's or founders' professional and social networks in the relevant industry- Extensive

  4. Extent to which the proposed new venture meets the founder's or founders' personal goals and aspirations- Strong

  5. Likelihood that a team can be put together to launch and grow the new venture- moderately likely

Part 5: Financial issues

  1. Initial capital investment- Low

  2. Number of revenue drivers (ways in which the company makes money)- One

  3. Time to break even- Less than one year

  4. Financial performance of similar businesses- moderate

  5. Ability to fund initial product (or service) development and/or initial start-up expenses from personal funds or via bootstrapping- Low

Overall potential

Part I: Strength of the Business Idea- High Potential

Part 2: industry related issues – moderate

Part 3: Target market and customer-related issues – Moderate

Part 4: Founders’ related issues – High potential

Part 5: Financial issues- low potential

Overall assessment- Moderate
