Topic—Issue in Florida laws on child support

Florida Statute 61.30 is the main statute and sets forth the way to calculate child support.

ASSIGNMENT: Read the source below on underemployment & child support, and submit a ONE PAGE explanation of how wilful underemployment is dealt with in Family Court. Next, in one-half page, explain your child support calculation based upon the income and other child costs provided below.

Target date for submission is no later that 11pm, Tuesday, November 8, 2022

On the issue of underemployment, where a parent simply reduces income by either quitting employment, or getting a lower paying job; see to an external site.

Calculating child support: Here is a pretty easy to use child support calculator: please use it and come up with each parent’s child support: mother’s net income is $100,000.; father’s net income is $75,000.

Mother and father have a 50/50 parenting plan: mother has 183 days, father has 182 days

Child care is $750 per month, split equally

Child insurance is $350 per month, split equally

Read the information in the article below, and then use the calculator to determine the monthly child support obligation of each parent.