ASSIGNMENT 2 To study for this section please review the glossary of terms in the units on Jainism, Shintoism, Confucianism and Taoism, and review these terms in the Young textbook for fuller contex



To study for this section please review the glossary of terms in the units on Jainism, Shintoism, Confucianism and Taoism, and review these terms in the Young textbook for fuller context. Be sure to know the worldviews of each tradition (e.g., karmic, yin and yang), along with the major concepts covered in the unit. 

Essay questions: 3x5 = 15 marks

*These are the questions that will appear on the quiz and are to be prepared for in advance. 

* Answers are to be between 300-350 words each

1.Discuss the Shinto creation myth from the Kojiki that is excerpted in both of your textbooks and explain what you can learn from this myth about Shinto's ethical teachings.

2.Discuss the Jain path of non-injury (ahimsa), noting how it is practiced differently by monks and nuns as compared with lay persons.

3.With reference to the Taoist and Confucian worldview, address how these traditions differ in their attitudes toward virtue.