Topic: The Effects Social Media have on Youth Below is an annotated bibliography as well as literature review to go by... Please include information from literature review (mandatory) "Please submi



Name: Shaniqua Quinn

Institution: Jackson State University

Course Title: Special Field Research Projects

Course Code: CLL483

Instructor: Dr. Gwendolyn C. Dooley

Date: November 20, 2022

Literature review

This section will look at both aspects and also the theories of social media usage when it comes to young people. Scholarly work from scholars have been used to develop the literature review.

Social media impact on mental health

According to mental health statistics, 13% if the children of between age 12 and 17 have reported depression while 32% of them have reported anxiety due to increased exposure to social media platforms. The term effect of social media describes both positive and negative aspects of social media. The report also indicates that in the year 2012, the use of social media increased at a very high rate. This also led to an increase of depression by 12% for boys and 50% for the girls. By the year 2016, the rate of suicide thoughts increased by 65% among girls. Of late, the rate of children suicide has increased by 150% which shows that as more children are accessing smart phones, their mental health us also becoming a problem (Nesi, 2020). By the year 2019, cyberbullying had become a major problem whereby 59% of adolescents reported to have been cyberbullied. This has led to more psychological problems since most of them are threatened while others are forced to live with low self-esteem issues (Kulandairaj, 2014). Despite of this, social media addiction is increasing at a high rate which means that more mental issues will be expected in the future (Skalická et al., 2021).

Addiction to social media

In most cases, people post their achievements and images on social media with an aim of receiving a feedback from other social media users. Those who receive a positive feedback develops a positive sensation which is formed from dopamine. As the brain produces more dopamine, one gets addicted and they will keep on coming back to post more content in order to get people’s reviews (Pignatiello et al., 2020). This is how social media addiction is developed and people will keep on doing anything regardless of whether they are affected or not as long as they are receiving reviews from others.

According to the study, failure to use smartphones makes 94% of teenagers to feel depressed while 80% feel jealous when someone else is using their phone. In case one fails to find their smartphone or when it gets lost, 70% expressed that they felt depressed and helpless. According to this report, the current society is highly attached to social media and would be willing to do anything in order to remain connected with others.

Negative effects of social media

The technology is growing rapidly which means that enough research has not been conducted yet to understand all aspects surrounding it. This includes direct impact to the brain and effective solutions of solving problems which are associated with social media. According to several scholarly sources, social media is the main course of anxiety, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and loneliness to young people in the current society (Skalická et al., 2021). The following are some of the most common negative impacts of social media.

Negative feeling about one’s appearance

There are several images which are being shared on social media which show how appealing others look. Most of them are edited in order for one to look perfect. Most of the young people are aware of this but still feel insecure about how they look (Skalická et al., 2021). In most cases, various social media users share details on how well their lives are and how much they have managed to achieve.

However, they do not share the negative aspect of their lives. Young people fail to understand that life is not always about owning material wealth in order to be happy. The feeling of envy lives them unsatisfied with the state of their current life. Everyone has both good and bad sides in their lives therefore it is important to mainly focus on what matters most instead of making comparisons. This comparisons are the major causes of depression among young people.

The fear of missing out

Humans have been competitive in nature even before social media platforms were created. Feeling that others are having a good time in their lives leads to the fear of being left out which leads to low self-esteem and increases anxiety levels. People will always wish to own what they currently do not have even when it is not important. They live in a competitive social media world without considering their current realities which may provide even more opportunities for them to live a better life.

According to a study that was conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, loneliness feeling is highly accelerated by continuous usage of Instagram, Snap chat, and Facebook. The only way of reducing the problem is to put aside such platforms which will create an opportunity for one to live a free life therefore enjoying their well being. People will have the opportunity to live a life based on their current surrounding and not what others feel should be right.

Increases the rate of depression and anxiety

People are social beings which means that being in face to face contact with people who care about them increase their mood and well being. Making social media interactions a priority is the main reason behind reduced physical contact between social media users. This also leads to increased levels of mood disorders since one is losing touch with people in a physical environment (Valkenburg & Jessica Taylor, 2017). Failure to share problems with others means that the young people are forced to internally deal with tough realities therefore falling into depression.

It increases cases of cyberbullying

Social media spreads information whether good or bad faster than a wild fire. Several young people are been cyberbullied which has affected their relationships with others. An example is a situation where high school students who share a common social media platform receive a humiliating image of their fellow learner. The affected learner might fall into depression or might drop out of school since they can no longer fit in such a classroom environment. The act leaves behind permanent wounds which might affect the learner for the rest of their lives.

It can lead to self-absorption

Living a social media life can make one to believe that they are a super human especially when placed by others each time they post their images on social media platforms. This makes one to lose touch with the real world and the moment they fail to receive approval from the public through social media platforms, they might start experiencing disorders. Self-centeredness should be limited since everyone has a background which they will always return to after using social media.

Reasons for increased negative social media usage

The first reason why most of the young people use social media is due to peer pressure. Most of their friends are already using social media platforms therefore they are forced into joining them due to the fear of being left out. Every young person holds the belief that technology is the future and in order to join others in the future, one must remain connected. Parents also belief that their children should be connected with others which has led to an increase of the number of young people who own smartphones.

Everyone in the world is faces tough situations at some point in their lives whereby everyone has a way of handling such situations. Most of the young people prefer to seek for security in social media platforms and each time they face a tough situation, they often express themselves through the platforms without considering the dangers that are associated with such actions. They no longer value the need for physical communication activities especially when seeking for solutions to problems which they do not understand.

The use social media platforms to mask problems such as stress, loneliness, and depression. Most of them state that the platforms are effective ways of relieving boredom since they remain connected to other people who share similar problems with them. However, in most cases the symptoms get worse after using social media platforms which means that they will keep on using the platforms more.

Indicators of negative impact of social media

The first indicator is that one feels the need to spend more time in social media platforms that with their friends. In most cases, the youth’s feels that those who are using social media platforms are having more interesting moments than those who do not use the platforms. Another common indicator is that one keeps on comparing themselves with others especially when it comes to what they cannot have. In most cases, this leads to low self-esteem since they feel that others are better than them (AlFahhad et al., 2018).

Another indicator is that one has been cyberbullied which means that they have shared personal contents which have given others the room to cyberbully them. They have no control over what other people post about them despite of the fact that it is affecting them directly. They are often distracted by social media while at work or school which means that they are forced to keep on checking on the new trends in the platforms.

They are also willing to take part in risky activities in order to get recognized by other people after posting risky content in social media platforms. Most of them have sleeping problems since they are always using social media late at night. They often wake up late in order to check on current trends and what other people are saying regarding their recent posts. This has a major impact on their health problems.

Positive effects of social media on youths

Social media enables the youths to stay updated when it comes to class activities. An example is that most of the online classes are communicated through social media platforms. Which allows them to complete allocated tasks with the shortest time possible. In situation where they are away from their families and friends, it is the most effective way to remain connected especially because of video call technology.

Social media platforms creates an opportunity for them to connect with new friends especially friends whom they share common traits with. An example is the case of youths who connect and educate each other on new ways of solving certain problems especially when it comes to computing programs (Boulianne & Theocharis, 2020). They learn too much content from each other within a very short period of time. This includes watching videos shared in YouTube on how to complete complex tasks.

They use social media platforms to access knowledge especially those who live in remote areas with minimal resources. In some cases, the areas might be too remote to an extent that the only way to communicate with others is through social media platforms. It also promotes creativity where people have a platform to showcase what they can do to others. It also enhances one’s ability to express themselves to others (Anderson & Jiang, 2018).

There are several youths who are using social media platforms to transform their lives and lives of others positively which means that social media platforms cannot be considered as the worst innovation that has ever occurred. The most important factor is that people should learn ways of using them positively in order to get the required results. The current world of globalization is being controlled by how well one is able to sell themselves to others. However, one should watch out since there are limits of using social media platforms.

Theories of social media usage

Information manipulation theory

Social media platforms are common reasons behind information manipulation which occurs through affecting the quality of information shared. The information is also shared partially which means that some of the most relevant information is left out from the public. The shared information is only relevant to the needs of a conversation which means that some is left out. The manner through which information is presented can also lead to information manipulation (Dimitrova & Matthes, 2018). This relates to the topic since some young people think that whatever others have posted in social media platforms is true. They forget that some might intentionally leave out some of the information creating a notion that their life is perfect.

Conversion theory

According to the theory, the voice of confident minority is the most effective voice. This indicates that a few people can have vast impact on what others think especially when it comes to the issue on resource distribution. The resources owned by a few people in the society can create the notion to others that they are not doing well which might lead to development of depression and other related problems. Those who join such content often remain under the pressure of matching with the few.

Social influence theory

People are often influenced by others based on how they relate with such an influencer. An example is a situation where one is willing to take part in some activities in order to match with their preferred influencer. This has a vast impact to adolescent youths since they are in the stage of discovering themselves. In case they are influenced to follow a negative trend from an influencer, they are more likely to suffer from negative social media impacts.

Ultimate terms theory

According to the theory, some terms are more powerful than others. A term like freedom might have different meanings to people of different ages. To some of the youths, it means being in a position to make decisions without being influenced by parents or other people in the society. This includes being in a position to make both good and poor choices in life based on peer pressure.


Abi-Jaoude, E., Naylor, K. T., & Pignatiello, A. (2020). Smartphones, social media use and youth mental health. Cmaj192(6), E136-E141.

Anderson, M., & Jiang, J. (2018). Teens, social media & technology 2018. Pew Research Center31(2018), 1673-1689.

Boulianne, S., & Theocharis, Y. (2020). Young people, digital media, and engagement: A meta-analysis of research. Social Science Computer Review38(2), 111-127.

Dimitrova, D. V., & Matthes, J. (2018). Social media in political campaigning around the world: Theoretical and methodological challenges. Journalism & mass communication quarterly95(2), 333-342.

Kulandairaj, A. J. (2014). Impact of social media on the lifestyle of youth. International Journal of Technical Research and Applications2(8), 22-28.

Nesi, J. (2020). The impact of social media on youth mental health: challenges and opportunities. North Carolina medical journal81(2), 116-121.

Steinsbekk, S., Wichstrøm, L., Stenseng, F., Nesi, J., Hygen, B. W., & Skalická, V. (2021). The impact of social media use on appearance self-esteem from childhood to adolescence–A 3-wave community study. Computers in Human Behavior114, 106528.

Talaue, G. M., AlSaad, A., AlRushaidan, N., AlHugail, A., & AlFahhad, S. (2018). The impact of social media on academic performance of selected college students. International Journal of Advanced Information Technology8(4/5), 27-35.

Valkenburg, P. M., & Jessica Taylor P. (2017). Plugged In. Yale University Press.