, or new solutions to enhance your clinical practice

NOTE: I was assigned to memory care for the elderly. The patient's problems vary but mostly memory loss problems.

Each journal entry must address the following three (3) components.
1. DESCRIPTIVE PHASE – objective and detailed summary of one clinical situation.

Clinical experience – date and description of event or situation. Include
who was involved (NURSES and Caregivers), their roles in the situation and circumstances under which things happened. Include any verbal and non-verbal communications that
occurred to add clarity to the event. (PLACE: memory care department for elderly)
Reaction – Describe your emotional responses, your thinking or processing
of the event/incident.
2. REFLECTIVE PHASE – interpretation and analysis of this event.

Evaluation of your performance – describe your strengths and
weaknesses as you participated in the event (even if you only observed).

3. CRITICAL PHASE – focus on what you learned for the future. Identify new
learning, new perspectives, new insights, or new solutions to enhance your
clinical practice