Follow the instructions in the "DPI Project Template" for the specified content and required length and formation for each page or section. Chapter 3 – The main headings in Chapter 3 include: Chapte

Chapter 3: Project Design and Methodology

Introduce this chapter by describing how the project outcome will improve the quality of health care for the patient population. This section should report how the project is rooted in quality improvement from the outset of the improvement initiative. Then, in no less than three substantive paragraphs, discuss the differences between research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement. Include what makes them each unique and how one leads the other. Please support your discussion with scholarly citations.


The “Purpose” section of Chapter 3 should be two or three paragraphs long. It should (a) reflect on the problem statement, (b) identify how the project will be accomplished, and (c) explain how the project will contribute to the field. The section begins with a declarative statement, "The purpose of this project is....” which is based on your problem statement from Chapter 1. Included in this statement are also the project design, population, variables to be investigated, and the geographic location. Further, the section clearly defines the dependent and independent variables, relationship of variables, or comparison of groups (comparison versus intervention) for quantitative analyses. Keep in mind that the exact purpose statement (i.e., copy paste what is here) in this chapter is restated in the abstract and Chapter 5. This purpose statement aligns to the PICOT components from previous courses. Use the following template for structuring your purpose statement: The purpose of this quality improvement project is to determine if the implementation of _________________ (whose research are you translating or what clinical practice guidelines) would impact ______________(what) _______________________ among ___________(population). The project was piloted over an eight-week period in a (rural, urban, or directional (eastern, western, …)________ (state) ________ (setting i.e., primary care clinic, ER, OR).

Project Planning and Procedures

Introduce this section with three to five sentences. Include why project planning was initiated and how it helped the team to think systematically. This section addresses the overall concept of the project planning procedure.

Interprofessional Collaboration

This section should be three or four paragraphs long. The first paragraph should outline why organizational support is imperative when improving patient outcomes. Include what organizational support will be required for your quality improvement project. Ensure to use a transitional statement between this section and the next.

The second paragraph will summarize the organizational support you are receiving from the stakeholders at the project site. In this paragraph, identify both the internal and external stakeholders from within the organization. What are their roles and how will this ensure sustainability of the project in the future?

The third and fourth paragraphs should include the characteristics of the team that conducted the intervention (for instance, type and level of training, degree of experience, and administrative and/or academic position of the personnel leading workshops) and/or the personnel to whom the intervention was applied should be specified. Often the influence of the people involved in the project is as great as the project components themselves. Explain the role of a project manager of this quality improvement project and how a project manager influences and facilitates the team and the project. Include your responsibilities and duties using third person without referring to yourself. Next, describe the role and responsibilities of the team members in your project.

Project Management Plan (list required resources—delete this parenthetical note)

This section should be two to three paragraphs long. This section details the step-by-step plan for the project’s implementation. Include that the project starts with IRB approval and ends at data analysis. Every change that could have contributed to the observed outcome should be noted. Each element should be briefly described. Refer to the project timeline completed in DNP-840A (see Appendix C). The plan should include a complete procedure and outline of the education that will provide to the staff. Explain where the education was derived from (typically the instrument/tool/evidence-based intervention) and discuss how it will be deployed. Refer to the Educational Plan in Appendix D. Describe how or why you are qualified to teach this information to the staff. Include if you required additional outside resources to implement the education. Describe your procedure in such a way that your reader could follow the same steps and get the same results.

  • The project was initiated after receiving approval for Grand Canyon University’s Institutional Review Board. (see Appendix E) This Appendix will become Appendix A once your project has been evaluated by the Grand Canyon University institutional review board and an outcome letter issued.


This section should be one or two paragraphs. What is required to make your project successful? Do you have adequate staff and time to educate the healthcare providers (nurses, doctors, mid-levels, tech, medics, etc.) on the evidence-based intervention? Do you need supplies or technology for support? As the project manager can you do the education or is there a cost to bring someone in (is this addressed in your budget)? Refer to the budget completed in DNP-840A as an appendix (see Appendix F). Remember having a balanced budget is imperative in today’s healthcare so as you show expenses, there should be some reference to anticipated improved revenue. Is the project designed in a way to ensure realistic implementation of the project? Support your discussion with scholarly citations.

Setting and Sample Population

This section discusses the total population, project population, and project sample based on the geographical setting of the project site. A description of the sample is essential for other clinicians to apply your findings to their settings.


In one paragraph, introduce this section by providing a broad description of the project site. Describing the organization in which in intervention took place in detail is necessary to assist readers in understanding whether the intervention is likely to “work” in the local environment (consider what the organization’s public description is on their website). This includes the description of the community, its makeup, and current services. Include additional information as needed, such as information about the location, practice type, teaching status, system affiliation, patient population (i.e., number of patients in a given time frame), size of the organization, staffing, and relevant processes in place. Follow the broad overview of the organization with a more focused overview of the specific area of practice (i.e., ER, OR, or ICU).

Population and Sample

The discussion of the sample includes the proper terminology specific to the type of sampling method used for the project. This section should be three to four paragraphs long and include the following components:

  1. The characteristics of the total population and the project population from which the project sample (project participants) is drawn. Describe the characteristics of the project population and the project sample.

  2. Clear definitions and differentiation of the sample versus the population for the project. Describe the project population size and project sample size and justify the project sample size (e.g., power analysis) based on the selected design.

  3. Details on the sampling procedures, including the specific steps taken to identify, contact, and recruit potential project sample participants from the project population. If subjects withdrew or were excluded from the project, you must provide an explanation of why.

  4. The informed consent process, confidentiality measures, project participation requirements, and geographic specifics.

  5. How the intervention answers the evidence-based question(s).

Data Collection Procedures

This section should be three or four paragraphs in length. This section details the entirety of the process used to collect the project data and describes the sources from which the data will be obtained. Describe the step-by-step procedures used to carry out all the major steps for data collection for the project in a way that would allow another investigator to replicate the project. Data should include descriptive or demographic data of the project sample and outcome data. Describe who/and from where data are obtained.

Instrumentation or Data Source

The first paragraph should include a description of data sources including any instrumentation. This paragraph should address the procedures for data collection, including how each instrument or data source was used, how and where data were collected (including demographic data), and how data were recorded. If survey/instruments are used, then their validity and reliability must be explained, including the psychometric data, using relevant scholarly citations. Refer to the instrument in Appendix G. Include permission to use the tool in Appendix H. If an instrument was not used for data collection, then explain the reliability and validity of the data source (e.g., reliability and validity of the EHR). If other instruments or sources of data are needed, provide evidence in the appendices. (see Appendix I).


The second paragraph should include an explanation of the independent and dependent variables (if applicable), and how the resulting change in those variables is measured (if applicable). It should also include a description of the procedures for project sample selection and how the data for the participants were grouped (e.g., comparison versus implementation).

Data Integrity and Storage

The third paragraph should include how the data integrity will be managed throughout project implementation. Include the description of how the final analysis data collection set and data dictionary were created and if any data manipulation was required. It should also provide a description of the type of data to be analyzed, identifying the descriptive, inferential, or nonstatistical analysis used.

Data Management

The fourth paragraph should provide a detailed description of the relevant data collected for each project question. It should also detail how the raw data were organized and prepared for analysis. Include any methods for data cleansing. There should also be a description of the procedures adopted to maintain data security, including the length of time data will be retained, where the data will be retained, and how the data will be destroyed following the project site’s policy. What data management errors were anticipated during the data collection period? Include how errors in data collection and entry will be discovered early and remedied. Support your discussion with scholarly references.

Potential Bias and Mitigation

In this section, you will describe the potential biases that may impact your project (proposal stage) and biases that did impact your project (finished manuscript). In addition, you will explain how these biases were mitigated to ensure the validity of the project. This section should be at least four paragraphs long.

You should explain at least five potential biases that are related to (a) the project methodology, (b) the project design, (c) the sampling procedures, (d) data collection, and (e) data interpretation. For each bias, you need to (a) clearly define what the bias is/was, (b) clearly explain how the bias may have been present in your project, and (c) explain how you mitigated this bias. Your discussion should be supported with scholarly citations.

Please note, you will need to personalize the possible biases based on the project you conducted. For example:

If my project employs an internet survey and there are people who meet the criteria but do not have access to the internet to take the survey, I will miss all those people who met the criteria for participation!


When conducting a quality improvement project, it is not possible or not practical to choose a random sample. In those cases, a convenience sample might be used. Sometimes it is plausible that a convenience sample could be considered as a random sample, but often a convenience sample is biased. If a convenience sample is used, inferences are not as trustworthy as if a random sample is used.

Ethical Considerations

This section should be one paragraph and summarize the ethical aspects of implementing an intervention and analyzing the data. This section should include a description of the procedures for protecting the rights and well-being of the project sample as well as the staff completing the intervention. The key ethical issues that must be addressed in this section include:

  • How any potential ethical issues will be addressed.

  • Ethical issues are related to the project and the sample population of interest, institution, or data collection process.

  • Anonymity, confidentiality, privacy, lack of coercion, and potential conflict of interest.

  • The key principles of the Belmont Report (respect, justice, and beneficence) in the project design, sampling procedures, and within the theoretical framework, practice or patient problem, and clinical questions.

Include a statement that the project has undergone a formal ethics review by the GCU IRB. Select the following statement that best aligns with your IRB determination and embed it in your paragraph (see Appendix E):

  • Quality Improvement: This project was reviewed by the Institutional Review Board at Grand Canyon University, and was determined not to be human subjects research. As such, this project did not require IRB review.

  • Exempt/Expedited: This project was reviewed by the Institutional Review Board at Grand Canyon University, and was determined to be exempt/expedited. As such, this project was approved.


This section summarizes the key points of Chapter 3 and provides supporting citations for those key points. It then provides a transition discussion to Chapter 4 followed by a description of the remaining chapters. This section should be two paragraphs long.