Strategic Management at Starbucks

Assignment 2 : Individual Written Report (70%) This requires an individual written report of 1,500 words. This provides 70% of your final grade. NB Please note that the 1,500 word limit does not include the following items:  Title page  Table of Contents  Executive Summary  List of references and/or bibliography  Appendices  Any Tables, Graphs, Charts, or Diagrams The main aim of this assignment is to give each student the opportunity to choose freely a company that is of particular interest to them and to apply suitable strategic management tools/models demonstrating the skills of analysis, ev aluation and synthesis. Write the report as if you were working for an external management consultancy firm , reporting to the Board of Directors of your chosen company. The report should contain sections that address ALL of the main aspects of the module syllabus : that is the report should cover both strategic analysis (internal and external) and strategy formulation. It is essential that in undertaking your research and writing your report you make appropriate use of the strategic management tools and m odels to conduct internal and external strategic analysis and strategy formulation that you have encountered in this module. Credit will be given for analysis, evaluation and synthesis, and the appropriate selection and use of strategic management tools a nd models. The individual assignment should be submitted electronically by 3pm on Friday 1 1th December 2015 . It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit your work on time. Refer section 3.5 of this handbook for Coursework Submission instructions . You should always keep your own copies of the coursework you have submitted. For advice on Report Writing, you should consult the School of Management’s Effective Learning Service booklet on this subject. This is available as a hard copy and as a downloadable document from the following link: f Please refer to the Module Handbook for more details including the marking scheme.