SUBJECT- Final Business Plan Objective On successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to prepare a presentation of their business plans appropriate for presentations to investo


Part 1 Report Submission

Gurleen Kaur


BUSI 4046/4053 – Final Business Plan

Professor Nathan Arney

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Part 1: Business Ideas


Establishing and growing of business is important for the individuals involved. The ability of the business to be able to survive into the future relies on the ability of the company to overcome competition. When the business can develop and grow then the likelihood of getting out of the market is minimized (Rauch & Rijskik, 2013). Starting a business is important for the company as well as the owners of the business. When the business can grow they are most likely to expand to new regions (Davidson et al., 2010). There are different business ideas that I have which I will look at and rank the one which I will be able to start since it’s the high-ranking one.

  • Business idea

For my business, I have three main business ideas that are restaurant business, sports clothing, and travel website. Three of these ideas are unique and profitable. But out of these, I have chosen only one for a final business plan. So, my business idea that I am desiring to develop is a travel website that assists people in knowing where they can affordably go as well as enjoy. There are internal and external factors that could affect this business idea. Internally there is some nation that has got strict rules concerning health, safety as well as security for protecting tourists, there is a challenge with accessibility, lacking some products and services, the challenge in accessing quality goods and services, the value of the money plus the marketing campaigns which will affect the popularity of the website. Externally the website will be impacted by the exchange rate, competition from other websites, restrictions in traveling, emerging new markets, and weather where tourists will not be assured of good weather where they are heading to.

For all people who are looking for something exciting and rememberable, I have a really good platform, that is ‘travel with us, this is a website for this travel worldwide. Our website will give an affordable and comfortable chance to people who want to travel but don’t have much knowledge and experience. This website will give them a wonderful experience, as we will provide guides for the people who really need them. By this even we our generating employment for people who want to travel and work, so this platform would be very beneficial for those employees.

Last but not least, as every business needs to be profitable, so for that we take different charges from every customer, so, first of all, there are some registration charges for people who want to travel with us and need guidance for their trip like how much it expenses them, which location would be affordable and enjoyable for them as per there budget and so on. It would be free guidance for people who register with us for a year. Then depending upon the location and number of people etc. we will charge the trip charges. All the information is on the website, we are here whenever they need us. Our tagline is ‘YOU NEED US, THE WORLD NEEDS YOU’.

You can find our website


Product/ Service description

In coming up with the travel website there are different features that I will ensure exist in this product to make it easier for the visitors to navigate and search for what they want. In the development of this product customer satisfaction is key to the success of the product and to have a competitive advantage over our competitors the following features are involved in this product.

  • The product has got straightforward filters that will make it easy for getting the destination results updated in real-time.

  • The other feature the product will have is a predictive search which will provide the results based on the names of the hotels, city among others.

  • The product will also have huge beautiful images for attracting customers to the website and keeping them hooked upon it.

  • We will also have a customer review part where the travelers can provide feedback on their experience with the website and the areas they want to be improved upon.

  • There is a favorite list in the product that will assist in remembering the fancy search you took

  • The other features that will be involved in the product will be the simple idiot-proof calendars, clear prices, integration of google maps, and simple checkout.

Target market

In coming up with the travel website the main groups that we will be targeting will be business travelers, Family, Students, foreigners, etc. they are going to be the main focus of our business, it is easy for them to travel wherever they want.

Benefits or value of a travel website

The website will be acting as the meeting for reaching the customers with important information. Customers can also consult the website in areas they want to know more about and identify information concerning different places they want to visit before planning for a visit. This website will be important in planning their journeys and identifying the best locations they can visit. The other benefits of the website include:

  • Being able to add multiple tour details on the website.

  • The destination details can be uploaded using HD images.

  • Any notice can be shared on the website.

  • The testimonies about the experience can be shared on the website.

  • On the website, there is a search option.

  • There is an option for a virtual tour.

Management team

To ensure success in the development and running of the website there will be the following team members in place.

A lead designer will be responsible for the roles of design.

A lead developer will be responsible for setting standards concerning what should be written.

An assistant developer will be working under the lead developer.

Web manager is the last point before the corporate roles.

A content producer will be charged with writing articles.

A senior editor will be responsible for overseeing the editing work.

Social media plus public relations coordinator who is responsible for how the company interacts with customers.

The marking coordinator will be responsible for the marketing of the website.

How our website is different from others?

As we have researched so many travel websites, but no one is targeting small areas or groups of people who want to travel if I talk about students, it has a small group, but more the students who participate in subjects like traveling, photography, environmental studies, our site is best for them. we will offer them the best locations as per their preference and so on. This is how we are different from other sites.


Part I: Strength of the Business Idea

  1. Extent to which the idea: Strong

  • Takes advantage of an environmental trend

  • Solves a problem

  • Addresses an unfilled gap in the marketplace

2. Timeliness of entry to the market – Moderately timely

3. Extent to which the idea "adds value" for its buyer or end user – High

4. Extent to which the customer is satisfied by competing products that are already available- Very satisfied

5. Degree to which the idea requires customers to change their basic practices or behaviors- Small to no change required

Part 2: industry related issues

  1. Number of competitors – Many

  2. Stage of the industry life cycle- Growth phase

  3. Growth rate of the industry- Moderate

  4. Importance of industry's products and/or services to customers- Must have

  5. Industry operating margins- Moderate

Part 3: Target market and customer-related issues

  1. Identification of the target market for the proposed new venture- Identified

  2. Ability to create "barriers to entry" for potential competitors- May or may not be able to create

  3. Purchasing power of customers- Moderate

  4. Ease of making customers aware of the new product or service- High

  5. Growth potential of target market- High

Part 4: Founders’ related issues

  1. Founder's or founders' experience in the industry- Moderate experience

  2. Founder's or founders' skills as they relate to the proposed new venture's product or service- moderate skills

  3. Extent of the founder's or founders' professional and social networks in the relevant industry- Extensive

  4. Extent to which the proposed new venture meets the founder's or founders' personal goals and aspirations- Strong

  5. Likelihood that a team can be put together to launch and grow the new venture- moderately likely

Part 5: Financial issues

  1. Initial capital investment- Low

  2. Number of revenue drivers (ways in which the company makes money)- One

  3. Time to break even- Less than one year

  4. Financial performance of similar businesses- moderate

  5. Ability to fund initial product (or service) development and/or initial start-up expenses from personal funds or via bootstrapping- Low

Overall Potential

Part I: Strength of the Business Idea- High Potential

Part 2: industry related issues – moderate

Part 3: Target market and customer-related issues – Moderate

Part 4: Founders’ related issues – High potential

Part 5: Financial issues- low potential

Overall assessment- Moderate


I intend to start my business of travel website without possible investors to support the placement. However, with the expertise and knowledge about the market and the application of technology. I believe that the potential for success if the business idea is moderate. By doing this first screen I can able to understand what actually is needed for my company to start without investors in the beginning.


Business Model, which is a Firm’s Plan for how it Competes in the Market

Travel businesses are an increasingly popular market for entrepreneurs and existing business owners alike. With the rise of online booking platforms and the ever-growing demand for travel services, this sector has an abundance of business opportunities (Geissdoerfer, Vladimirova, & Evans, 2018). A successful travel business must have a comprehensive and well-thought-out business model to maximize profits and customer satisfaction.

Competitor Data Collection Plan

The Competitor Data Collection Plan is an essential component of any business plan. It is a strategy used to identify the major competitors in the market and the strategies they are using to gain market share (Samir, 2019). This plan aims to provide the business with the necessary information to remain competitive in the market.

A competitor data collection plan aims to identify and analyze the major competitors in a given market. This plan will focus on the travel business and identify the industry's key players, their current and potential market shares, and the strategies they are using to gain market share. The data collected from this plan will inform the company’s strategies and tactics for gaining market share.

Part 1

Major Competitors

  1. Expedia

  2. Orbitz


  4. Priceline

Competitive Analysis Worksheet

Competitor Expedia:

Product/Service Offering: Expedia offers a wide range of travel-related services, including hotel bookings, airline tickets, vacation packages, car rentals, and more.

Target Market: Expedia's target market is travelers of all types, from business travelers to vacationers.

Pricing: Expedia offers competitive pricing, often offering discounts and promotions.

Marketing Strategy: Expedia's marketing strategy is focused on digital channels, including social media, search engine marketing, display advertising, and email campaigns (Butuner, 2019).

Strengths: Expedia is one of the most well-known and established travel companies, with a strong brand and a wide range of services.

Weaknesses: Expedia's user interface can be difficult to use, and its customer service is often lacking.

Competitor Orbitz:

Product/Service Offering: Orbitz offers a wide range of travel-related services, including hotel bookings, airline tickets, vacation packages, car rentals, and more.

Target Market: Orbitz's target market is travelers of all types, from business travelers to vacationers.

Pricing: Orbitz offers competitive pricing, often offering discounts and promotions.

Marketing Strategy: Orbitz's marketing strategy is focused on digital channels, including social media, search engine marketing, display advertising, and email campaigns.

Strengths: Orbitz is well-known for its user-friendly interface and excellent customer service.

Weaknesses: Orbitz does not have as large of a selection of services as some of its competitors.


Product/Service Offering: specializes in hotel bookings, offering a wide range of accommodations from budget hotels to luxury resorts.

Target Market:'s target market is leisure travelers looking for hotel accommodations.

Pricing: offers competitive prices, often offering discounts and promotions.

Marketing Strategy:'s marketing strategy is focused on digital channels, including search engine marketing, display advertising, and email campaigns.

Strengths: is well-known for its user-friendly interface and excellent customer service.

Weaknesses: does not offer as many services as its competitors, such as airline tickets or vacation packages.

Competitor Priceline:

Product/Service Offering: Priceline offers a wide range of travel-related services, including hotel bookings, airline tickets, vacation packages, car rentals, and more.

Target Market: Priceline's target market is travelers of all types, from business travelers to vacationers.

Pricing: Priceline offers competitive pricing, often offering discounts and promotions.

Marketing Strategy: Priceline's marketing strategy is focused on digital channels, including search engine marketing, display advertising, and email campaigns.

Strengths: Priceline is well-known for its user-friendly interface and excellent customer service.

Weaknesses: Priceline does not have as large of a selection of services as some of its competitors.

Part 2

Market and Industry Analysis Conclusion

This market and industry analysis conclude that our travel business has an enormous opportunity to impact the industry. Our target market is travelers of all types, from business travelers to vacationers, and our offering includes hotel bookings, airline tickets, vacation packages, car rentals, and more. We have a competitive advantage as we provide a user-friendly interface, excellent customer service, and competitive pricing with discounts and promotions. We also offer a wider range of services than some of our competitors, which makes us more attractive to customers (Baek, Mohanty, & Glambosky, 2020). With the data gathered from our competitor analysis, we are confident that our travel business can successfully compete in the market.

Part 3

Why have you chosen the particular entry point to start your venture?

We chose this particular entry point to start our venture as a company because our travel business has a big opportunity to impact the industry. Our offering of hotel bookings, airline tickets, vacation packages, car rentals, and more, combined with our user-friendly interface and excellent customer service, will help my company compete successfully in the industry.

What is a compelling need for your product/service?

There is a compelling need for our product and services as a company because we offer a wide range of travel-related services that are tailored to the needs of travelers of all types. Our goal is to provide customers with an easy and convenient way to book their travel plans. Our user-friendly interface and excellent customer service will set us apart from the competition.

Is a real problem being solved?

Yes, we are solving a real problem by giving travelers a convenient and hassle-free way to book their travel plans. Our goal is to make booking travel plans easier and more efficient while also providing a wide range of options to meet the needs of travelers of all types.

What indicates you will be able to compete successfully in the industry?

The data gathered from our competitor analysis indicates that we can compete successfully in the industry. Our user-friendly interface, excellent customer service, competitive pricing, and wide range of services will help us stand out. Our digital marketing strategy will also help us connect with our target market and build brand awareness.


Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., & Naldi, L. (2010). Small firm growth. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 6(2), 69-166.

Rauch, A. & Rijskik, S.A. (2013). The effects of general and specific human capital on long-term growth and failure of newly founded businesses. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (3), 923-941

Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., & Naldi, L. (2010). Small firm growth. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 6(2), 69-166.

Rauch, A. & Rijskik, S.A. (2013). The effects of general and specific human capital on long-term growth and failure of newly founded businesses. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (3), 923-941

Baek, S., Mohanty, S. K., & Glambosky, M. (2020). COVID-19 and stock market volatility: An industry level analysis. Finance research letters, 37, 101748.

Butuner, H. (2019). A practical approach to determining the competitive advantages of a business. American Journal of Operations Management and Information Systems, 4(2), 63-70.

Geissdoerfer, M., Vladimirova, D., & Evans, S. (2018). Sustainable business model innovation: A review. Journal of cleaner production, 198, 401-416.

Samir, M., Sharafeddine, S., Assi, C. M., Nguyen, T. M., & Ghrayeb, A. (2019). UAV trajectory planning for data collection from time-constrained IoT devices. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 19(1), 34-46.