the final essay is exactly the same concept as the first two, though slightly longer. You will have approximately 1000 words to answer one of the questions on the assignment sheet about Thomas Middlet

English 102C Final essay Assignment

English 102 C Final Essay Assignment

Due: 9 December 2022 at 11:59pm


In approximately 750-1000 words, answer one of the following questions related to Thomas Middleton’s play The Roaring Girl. The submitted essay must incorporate a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 secondary scholarly sources, meaning 2-3 sources total, including the play. Points will be deducted if appropriate research is not used.

  1. Using either feminist criticism or queer criticism, explain how Moll subverts our expectations for female characters in drama, using her relationships with other characters as required to support the argument

  2. The Roaring Girl is a comedy play, which in Renaissance drama means it ends in a marriage. In terms of genre, explain the significance of Moll’s refusal to be married at the end of the play.

  3. Moll is also referred to throughout the play as “Jack”, a generic name for a man during the period. What is the significance of her having two names in the play, one male and one female?