Hi I need to do my final paper. I attached here question paper . Answers should be from text book. Transformation: gender women and psychology by Crawford M. (2017). Part 1 and part 2 in the question

Transformations: Chapter 1: Paving the Way

A new section on intersectionality

An introduction to transnational feminism

How the use of Internet samples is reducing sampling bias in research


Types of feminism

Waves of feminism


Research concerns within the field – we don’t all have the same experiences

Timeline of Canadian achievement

Question 1 – why does this class exist? Androcentric nature of psychology

Chapter 2: Gender, Status, and Power

New research on “doing gender” in online communication

Micro-aggressions: An intersectional perspective

Backlash against agentic and ambitious women

“Mansplaining,” “manologues,” and conversational dominance

How to change sexist attitudes

Power, status and hierarchy – types of power (know this)

Microaggressions, backlash and double binds

Management of gender and other people’s behavior

Types of sexism

The Matt Damon video - micro aggression, representation and lived experience

Chapter 5: Sex, Gender, and Bodies

The most recent research on chromosomal and hormonal variations such as XYY syndrome, Turner

syndrome, CAH

New psychiatric classification, terminology and research on intersex, transgender, fluid,

genderqueer, agender, and nonbinary identities

DSM category of gender dysphoria: definition; diagnosis in children, adolescents and adults;


New evidence for genetic links in transgender reported and evaluated

Psychological outcomes of gender affirmation (formerly termed sex change) surgery

Psychological adjustment in transgender individuals

Genetic influences on sexual orientation

Prenatal hormone exposure (CAH) and women’s sexual orientation

Transphobia, genderism, hate crimes against trans people

Updated information on third-sex categories in other cultures

Shortest chapter in the course

Main take aways are definitions of gender identity, biological sex, gender expression, sexual/affectional orientation

Gender and sex are NOT binary, but our socio-cultural orientation represents that it is

Talked a lot about binary representation

Video about Levi, the Drag Queen, and how the person behind the camera influences the person in front of it and the production itself – representation and identity

The Olympics and gender verification testing – benevolent sexism

Chapter 6: Gendered Identities: Childhood and Adolescence

Strategies for teaching children to think critically about the stereotypical messages in their

storybooks and on TV

How and why some girls sustain a deviation from prescribed femininity by being “tomboys”

throughout middle childhood

Early sexualization of girls

Meta-analyses and cross-cultural comparisons of gender and physical and relational aggression

Sexual objectification in adolescent girls

Sexual harassment in middle school and high school

How to help adolescent girls stay “in the body” and reduce self-objectification


Little Kids Scope Out the Hidden Messages in Their Storybooks—And Come Up with Some

Bright Ideas for Gender Equality

The Gendered Toy Marketing Debate

This chapter is the basis of why representation matters- it is how children learn and develop their own gender and sexuality – it is how we continue to reproduce the myths that legitimize the disparity of status, power and hierarchy between genders

Binary representation

How gender identity rests on assigning characteristics/traits

Men – active / women – passive

Not only girls that “lose” but boys as well – Dar Williams song – When I was a boy

if she can see it, she can be it” – what are our children seeing?

Chapter 7: Sex, Love, and Romance

Chapter has been extensively updated to focus on contemporary issues

Ideals of heteronormative romance vs. hookup practices (booty call, friends with benefits …)

Gender differences and similarities in hookup experiences

Early sexual initiation

New research on the coming-out process for lesbian and bisexual women

Sexual fluidity in women

Intersections of ethnic and sexual identity

New section on Internet dating

Current research on sexual double standards

Critique of abstinence-based sex education


Research Focus: Women’s Masturbation: Experiences of Sexual Empowerment in a Primarily

Sex-Positive Sample

Purity Balls and Virginity Pledges

Extends on chapter 6 – how we learn about romance and sexuality

How scripts for “normal” (what we accept as just being natural or inherent) in relationships between men and women – what do we learn from the movies?

How gender characteristics/schemas play into romantic schemas and scripts

Discussion 2 – binary nature of gender and sex in western colonial culture (because it is not universal)

article - up for it or asking for it?

Sara Kay – the dreaming boy – dream myself a gender

Started the idea of post-feminism

Idea of women as “rape spaces” and the cite of intervention

Video of “what every woman is thinking” – “linda is an alley! Men are capable of violence!”

Chapter 8: Commitments: Women and Close Relationships

Changing patterns of heterosexual marriage

The trend toward serial cohabitation and long-term singlehood among women

Lesbian couples and lesbian marriages

The psychological and economic consequences of divorce


Timeline/History of Marriage Equality for Gay/Lesbian Couples

Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon: A Marriage to Remember

Chapter 9: Mothering

An inclusive, intersectional perspective that includes teen mothers, single mothers, LBTQ, African-

American mothers, and the place of fathers in childbirth and parenting

Persistence of pronatalism and the motherhood mystique

Child free by choice


Updated information on abortion and attempts to restrict access

Ethical issues in surrogate parenthood

Attitudes toward pregnant women

Risk factors for postpartum depression

Family-friendly social policy and workplaces


MomsRising.org: Grassroots Advocacy for Women, Mothers, and Families

Types of marriage

How binary gender shapes marriage

Why marriage is hard after kids

Why lesbian marriage tend to do better

Post-feminism within marriage


How gender schema’s shape division of labour

How do couples manage disparity?

Consent and marriage

Representation of families – is nuclear family representative of families?

Discussion 3 – how gender and romantic schemas are connected and founded on socio-cultural orientation

  1. Chapter 10: Work and Achievement

  2. Updated research on women’s unpaid work

  3. Housework as real work, relational work, and the two-person career

  4. Occupational segregation, the glass ceiling

  5. Gender bias in hiring and promotion

  6. Tokenism: An intersectional analysis

  7. The importance of mentoring

  8. Expectancies, values, and career paths (Eccles’ expectancy-values theory)

  9. Achieving work-life balance

  10. NEW BOX: Women in Startup Companies and Venture Capital

Chapter 3: Images of Women

  1. Updated research on sexist/nonsexist language

  2. Latest research on media images

  3. “post-feminist” ads

  4. Latinas, African-American women

  5. female athletes in the media

  6. An intersectional analysis of gender and ethnic stereotypes

  7. NEW BOX: The Bechdel Test (Does your Favorite Movie Pass This Handy Sexism Quiz?)

Movie “this changes everything”

Representation – the key to change

Androcentrism in media

  1. Introduction - #MeToo and Feminism

What is the metoo movement – what did it change?

Why did it start in Hollywood?

How does tokenism and overgeneralization matter when it comes to representation?

How is post-feminism relevant in regard to metoo? How is intersectionality?

Continuum of violence - cultural scaffolding

Discussion 4 – post-feminism – continuum of violence

  1. Chapter 12: Violence against Women

  2. New Section, Violence and Social Media, covers revenge porn, disseminating text messages without

  3. consent, other forms of non-consensual pornography, and new legal protections against these

  4. offenses

  5. 19

  6. New section, Stalking, includes cyberstalking

  7. xxiv

  8. Updated research on rape, sexual assault, and prevention programs aimed at men

  9. NEW BOX: It’s On Us: Intervening to reduce sexual assault on campuses

  1. Workplace Harassment, Hollywood’s Casting Couch and Neoliberalism 17

  2. Woman, Sexual Harassment, and Victim Politics 43

MMIW – post-feminism and victim politics

Who decides who is a victim? How do we think about victims?

Gender binary/schemas/romantic schemas/continuum of violence – define victimhood


How do we change?

Discussion 5 – identifying legitimizing myths that contribute to upholding of continuum of violence status quo