Step 1: Conduct a job search Conduct a job search for the sustainability job you are hoping to one day have. You may search on;; or a specific corporation job site. When you hav

SUS231 Lesson 2 Job Search Project Rubric: 30 points total

Job Posting: 10 pts

3 points A job posting is appropriately attached to the assignment.

7 points The selected job is clearly related to the field of sustainability.

2-Column Exercise: 20 points

2 points The student created a 2-column table

2 points The employer-specific information is copied and pasted in the right column

2 points Each qualification, duty and vision/mission element is in its own box

2 points The student’s qualifications are in the right hand column

6 points The student’s qualifications are written using terminology found in the job posting

6 points The student has put qualifications they do not possess in bold underlined font.