Purpose: Throughout this course, you have been learning about best practices in curriculum design. Simultaneously, you have been examining your own practice with the goal of improving your instruction

Unit 4 Curriculum Map

Directions: Select a local, state, or national standard for all students and design a curriculum map that is responsive to whole group, small group, and individual needs, interests, and abilities.

Age: 9yrs

Grade Level: Grade 4

Content Area: English Language and Arts

Standard(s): Standard 4-1: The student will read and comprehend various literary texts in print and non-print formats.





(The topic you teach)

Thinking Process

(Bloom’s or DOK)


Formative Assessment


Summative Assessment

Whole Group

Read the extract as whole group as presented in the board or through textbook and identify character, theme, main point and hardest vocabulary

Teaching the student meaning of vocabularies, and how to read and comprehend literary text presented through at varying readability level, either through tape, text extract, audio format.

Analyze, draw a conclusion, distinguish, Interpret and read independently

Pass the perspective

Entry and Exit slips

Help student in analyzing literary text, draw conclusion, distinguish and interpret

Midterm exam

Common work for the whole class

Charades and Hangman will be used to get students to act out vocabulary from reading and have their classmates guess what they are

Low-stakes Quizzes and Polls

Small Group

Assign text extract to read based on learning level and identify theme, main point, analyze the text.

Teaching the student meaning of vocabularies, and how to read and comprehend literary text presented through at varying readability level, either through tape, text extract, audio format. Meeting small group of struggling learner to re-teach an idea or skill for the struggling learner to extend the thinking or skill

Analyze, draw a conclusion, distinguish, Interpret and read independently

Tierd activities

End of chapter quizzes

End of chapter

Proceeding the group reading with different levels of support, challenges or complexity. Arrange student into small group guide them on to identify, analyze and interpret literary text with varying length of time. Offering additional support for struggling learner to encourage an advanced learner to pursue a topic in greater depth.

Whisper race: - student group in small group with variety learning abilities who will read a text of around two sentence and whisper the paragraph to new person and last one will write down the paragraph and most accurate paragraph wins.

Text Taboo could be good for small groups.

Self-reflective notes.

Small groups on their products

Offer assistive support to student in analyzing literary text, draw conclusion, distinguish and interpret

Individual Students

End-of-chapter/unit test identifying character, theme, figurative language, make inference and analyze the text

Teaching the student meaning of vocabularies, and how to read and comprehend literary text presented through at varying readability level, either through tape, text extract, audio format. Meet each student individual to offer assisted support for the challenge they experience while identifying difficult vocabulary, analyze text or make inference from the text.

Analyze, draw a conclusion, distinguish, Interpret and read independently

Literary postcard: A student must depict a key scene from their reading on the front of the postcard and then have choices as to the form of their writing on the opposite side

Sticky notes


Offer work that address the individual needs, offer manipulative or hands on support for students who need them

Mind maps activity could be used to enhance student recall of information as well as synthesize information from multiple sources

Participation card

Allow student to work alone


South Carolina Department of Education. (2008, August 1). South Carolina academic standards for English language arts: Retrieved from https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5c1d35191137a65972107b0f/t/5c26b5d5f950b760dd3cc7c0/1546040791404/SC+English+Standards+2008+Version.pdf

Shap, K. Curriculum Analysis Project The curriculum chosen is the Engage NY Grade 3 ELA curriculum.

Taylor, B. K. (2015). Content, process, and product: Modeling differentiated instruction. Kappa Delta Pi Record51(1), 13-17.