1-Bones and Muscles Lab Report 2- Discussion Board 2: Health Effects of Prolonged Inactivity


Bones and Muscles Lab Report

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The lab report is unique each semester and checks have been put into place to ensure students are doing their own work. Copying from other students or from outside sources will result in a zero on the accompanying lab quiz.

  1. Skeletal system

  1. Describe the difference between compact and spongy bone.

  1. Based on Lab, Section I, draw and label a long bone using the following terms: epiphysis, diaphysis, compact and spongy bone, periosteum, epiphyseal disc, and articular cartilage. Sign and date your drawing and include with this lab report.

  1. What is an osteocyte?

  1. Based on Lab, Section I, Exercise 1, identify the labeled parts G, H, and I of the long bone.

  1. Based on Lab, Section I, Exercise 2, identify the parts of the Haversian system labeled E, F, G, H, I and J.

  1. Osteons are continuously degraded by osteoclast cells and built by osteoblast cells. How does this process relate to bone fracture healing?

  1. Based on Lab, Section I, Exercise 3, identify joints on the articulated skeleton labeled C, D, E, and F.

  1. Based on Lab, Section I, Exercise 4, examine the images of the skull and answer the following questions:

Why do you think the spine is curved and not straight?

Observe the two vertebrae carefully. Why are they so different in structure?

  1. Based on Lab, Section I, Exercise 4, locate the structures labeled C, D and E on the articulated axial skeleton.

  1. Based on Lab, Section I, Exercise 5, identify the labeled bones O, P, Q, R, S, T, and U of the appendicular skeleton.

  1. Identify Bones and Joints

  1. Based on Lab, Section I, Exercise 6, answer the following questions:

While touching the elbow, alternately turn the hand palm down and up.

Does the elbow move?

Identify the bone to which the point of the elbow belongs.

  1. Based on Lab, Section II, Exercise 6, identify the bones belonging to the following surface features:


Bump next to and on the outside portion of the ankle

  1. Identify the bones that form the major synovial joints:




  1. Muscular System

  1. Based on Lab, Section II, Exercise 7, indicate the muscle type present and the function of that muscle:


Muscle Type


Heart ventricle

Wall of artery

Wall of uterus

Intestinal wall

  1. Define the following terms:

Muscle tone

Antagonistic pairs





  1. Explain the difference between the origin and insertion of a muscle.

  1. Based on Lab, Section III, identify the labeled muscles G, H, I and J.

  1. Explain the difference between isometric and isotonic contractions.

Summary Questions

  1. Name the type of connective tissue that connects bone to muscle.

  1. Name the type of muscle contraction that results in movement with no increase in

muscle tension.

  1. Name the muscle action that moves a body part toward the median axis of the body.

  1. Name the tough membrane covering the outer surface of the diaphysis.

  1. Name the connective tissue that connects bone to bone.

  1. Name three types of joints and give an example of each.

  1. Explain how muscles work in antagonistic pairs. Give an example.

  1. Define muscle tone.

  1. Describe four types of body movement.

  1. Describe the anatomical structure of a long bone.

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