Lab Report: Nervous System Lab Report: Brain & Special Senses


Brain and Senses Lab Report

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The lab report is unique each semester and checks have been put into place to ensure students are doing their own work. Copying from other students or from outside sources will result in a zero on the accompanying lab quiz.

  1. Central Nervous System

  1. Describe the location and function of the hypothalamus.

  1. Which lobe of the brain is involved with visual association?

  1. Refer to Lab, Exercise 1, Step 1. What is the name and function of the structure labeled J?

  1. Refer to Lab, Exercise 1, Step 1. What is the name and function of the structure labeled O?

  1. List three structures included in the hindbrain.

  1. Special Senses

  1. What structure of the eye contains the cones?

  1. What is the function of the optic nerve?

  1. Follow the instructions to complete the visual tests in Exercises 2 and 3 to determine your blind spot and near point. Record the distance of your blind spot in each eye in the table below.


Distance (cm)



Record the distance of your near point in each eye.


Distance (cm)



  1. Refer to Lab, Exercise 10. Was the subject in the video able to hear the sound equally in both ears?

  1. What is the function of the cochlea of the ear?

  1. Compare myopia with hyperopia.

  1. What causes cataracts?

  1. What is the name of the organ of smell?

  1. Refer to Lab, Exercise 12. Were you able to hear all 3 frequencies? If not, which one?

  1. What is the benefit of binocular vision?

Summary Questions

  1. Describe the four lobes of the brain and what each one controls.

  1. How can nearsightedness be corrected?

  1. What is the difference between static and dynamic equilibrium?

  1. Name the darkly pigmented nutritive layer of the eye.

  1. What part of the brain is responsible for respiration and circulation?

  1. Describe the type of receptor that aids in color detection.

  1. What happens to the near point as a person gets older?

  1. Name the three ossicles of the middle ear.

  1. As a child is learning to talk, they are developing what lobe of the brain?

  1. How can you determine if you have astigmatism?

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