Topic is the negative stigma Of abortion

Topic is the negative stigma Of abortion 1



Click here to enter a short name of the social issue/problem (e.g. childhood hunger, teen pregnancy, immigration reform, etc.)

This second worksheet will serve to further analyze the social problem & program or policy you have chosen. It will help you to become better acquainted with the issue and help you examine one specific intervention (policy or program) that is attempting to alleviate or eradicate the social problem.

Respond to each of the questions using your own words. Do not just copy-paste from a website. Provide credible sources to support your response using APA citations.

Name: [enter your first name and OSU ID (name.#)]


Social Problem Power Imbalance or Struggle

Using the social problem you identified in your first worksheet, please identify the following:

  1. Who loses due to this social problem? (who is most negatively impacted)

  2. Who/which groups in society gain from this social problem, why or why not?

  3. Who seems to have the power in relation to the problem and who does not?

Does race, ethnicity, gender, class, age, ability, sexual orientation, nationality, play a role in this imbalance of power?

  1. How is social justice addressed?

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Public Reaction to the Problem

  1. How does the media cover or portray this issue? (provide examples)

  2. Do different media outlets cover or portray this issue differently (provide examples_

  3. What values and beliefs appear to be most important?

  4. Whose values & beliefs are dominant?

  5. Whose values & beliefs are minimized or ignored?

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Social Program or Policy

Here, using the social program or policy that you identified in your first worksheet, answer the following questions for that one, specific policy.

  1. What policy or social program(s) have been implemented as a result of the policy/legislation

  2. Who supports the policy or program(s) and why?

  3. Who opposes the policy or program(s) and why?

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Implementation of the Program or Policy

  • Is the program or policy effective (give examples)

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  • What are the strengths & weaknesses of the program or policy?

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  • Who is primarily served by the program or policy? Is there a disproportionate involvement of any one group based on race, ethnicity, gender, class, age, disability, sexual orientation, or nationality?

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Actual Impact

  • What are the costs & benefits of this program or policy?

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  • What was the intended result of the program or policy? Are there any unintended results?

Click here to enter text:

  • Has the social problem decreased? Are things better now? Why or why not? Who is or isn’t satisfied with the outcome?

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Social Policy Analysis framework modified from:

Karger, H. J., & Stoesz, D. (2010). Chapter 2: Social welfare policy research: A framework for policy analysis. American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach (6th ed), (pp. 28-39).  New York: Allyn and Bacon.

Gilbert, N. & Terrell, P. (2010.). Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy (7th ed). New York: Allyn and Bacon.

Grading Rubric

Your assignment will be evaluated using the following grading rubric out of 100 total points.





Social Power Imbalance or Struggle

15 points

All the questions clearly answered: 1. Who loses due to this social problem? 2. Is there anyone in society that gains? 3. Who seems to have power in relation to the problem and who does not? 4. How is social justice addressed?

At least 2 questions answered

One or less questions answered

Public Reaction to the Problem

15 points

All the questions clearly answered: 1. How does media portray issue with examples 2. Do different media outlets cover or portray this issue differently 3. What values and beliefs appear to be most important 4. Whose values & beliefs are dominant 5. Whose values & beliefs are minimized

At least 2 questions answered

One or less questions answered

Social Policy or Program

10 points

Using the social policy or program identified in Worksheet Part 1, student answered all three of the following 1.Who supports the policy or program(s) and why 2. Who opposes the policy or program(s) and why

At least 2 questions answered

One or less questions answered

Implementation of the Social Policy or Program

5 points

Clearly articulates if the policy or program is effective and provides specific examples to support their response

Student partially explains if the policy or program is effective but does not provide clear examples to support their response

Does not explain if the policy or program is effective and no examples are provided

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Social Policy or Program

5 points

Clearly identifies and describes the strengths and weaknesses of the policy or program

Student partially identifies the strengths or weaknesses of the policy or program

Does not identify strengths or weaknesses

Who is Primarily Served by the Social Policy or Program

5 points

Clearly identifies and describes the following: 1. Who is primarily served by the policy and program 2. Disproportionate involvement of any one group

Student clearly identifies and describes only one of the questions: 1. Who is primarily served by the policy and program 2. Disproportionate involvement of any one group. Response is ambiguous.

Does not answer either question or response is inaccurate

Actual Impact of Costs & Benefits

5 points

Clearly identifies costs & benefits of the social policy or program

Identifies costs & benefits of program/policy Response is not sufficiently specific

Does not identify costs & benefits or response is inaccurate or ambiguous

Intended and Unintended Results of the Policy or Program

5 points

Response identifies the intended (explicitly stated) outcomes For example “low-income families benefitted from SNAP” and further identifies less publicized results For example “American farmers benefitted from the USDA SNAP program”

Response identifies the intended (explicitly stated) results. For example “low-income families benefitted from SNAP”

Response is ambiguous Response does not identify the intended or unintended results of the policy or program The response provided is incorrect

Actual Impact

10 points

All the questions clearly answered: 1. Did social problem decrease 2. Are things better now 3. Why or why not 4. Who is or isn’t satisfied with the outcome

At least 2 questions answered

One or less questions answered

Social Policy/Social Program Examination: Reference Section

10 points

Reference section contains scholarly and credible references to support all arguments. Section is formatted to conform to APA citation style

Reference section contains only internet webpages Reference section does not conform to APA citation style

WIKIPEDIA (or any other open source) is the primary source of citations on this worksheet. Reference section is missing

Mechanics: Grammar and structure

5 points

Grammar and structure meets all expectations.

Grammar and structure has issues noted

Grammar and structure has many issues.



Not Completed

Mechanics: Short Title

1 point

Short Title Provided

Short Title was not provided

Mechanics: Full Name

1 point

Full Name Provided

Full Name was not provided

Mechanics: Citations sufficiently used to support all arguments

3 points

Citations sufficiently supported

Citations partially completed

Citations not completed

Length of Worksheet

5 points

Page Length meets 600+ requirement

Does not meet 600+ word requirement

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