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Infant and Toddler program video transcript :

The first years of life have an enormous impact on a child's development and future. They're exploring their world and they're making sense out of it. And they're making brain connections. Their brain is developing so rapidly, they're like little sponges. And as more mothers returned to work soon after their children are born, there is growing demand for quality infant and toddler care. These parents are leaving their kids with us and we are taking care of their kids probably eight hours a day. And I think it's very important that parents feel like they're their children are being kept taking care of very, very well. I do have a lot of parents say you are my child's mother during the day. Without mommy or daddy, a strange new place can be scary. And we have the parents come for a full week. And during that week we let them play with that. I will have them come for snack time. And usually that helps the child gradually walk into the classroom, say hi Miss Bonnie or high miss nicole or high miss Jana and come and give us a hug. And the separation anxiety starts to dissipate. Talking to a baby from the earliest age is crucial for language development. Watches this caregiver has a conversation with one of her babies. Adults use a type of speech called mother leaves when they talk to you and it might sound silly, but this exaggerated high-pitched talk helps to keep a baby's attention. Dining out as a brand new experience with these very young appetites. The youngest ones prefer their meal right in the lap of luxury. But the more experienced what the dying, just like the big people do, at least they try. We don't have high chairs or bucket seats for infants and toddlers. The babies are all held when they're fed at they use table food. We have little tiny table as child sized neighbor and they sit in the caregiver sits on the floor and feeds them on the floor. But high chairs sometimes become too much of that placement. And we don't want children playtest. We want them to be free to sit and feel like they're in control. And so they'll sit in eight because it's their choice to do they're carrying for infants properly requires a well balanced environment, one that meets the baby's needs and encourages cognitive and motor development. When you're talking about infants, you want to make sure that there's a quiet area for them for arrest him and approve area. At the same time, the crib area needs to be near the changing table and you want the changing table. In the air as safe where they can wash their hands and keep everything clean and wipe it off. You need to have an active area were children or even just starting to turnover can turn over and reach up and start to crawl. And there's activities, their maths or other appropriate equipment that they can use. We've got soft things for the children to climb on. We've got things that they can ride on. We've got things that they can stand next to and learning to pull up. We've got the things on the patio that they can push and pull, please. A lot of hands-on manipulatives. Infants and toddlers or sensorimotor beams. Babies learn everything through their mouth. I, II and they touch and they eat books. And a lot of people are talk about, should you keep books separately so that babies don't eat them? But we believe that if children are heating them and handling them in and manipulating them, they're learning that they're friendly or that there's, you know, they're learning about the book themselves, about how it feels, about how to turn the pages, about looking at different things that they become familiar with it, anything you're familiar with, you're more apt to grab and he is. So anytime you can engage them physically, then you've engage them mentally. And it seems that children who haven't, who've always had books taken away from them so they don't tear them. I make chance to handle them in preschool. They tear the pages because they need that hands-on manipulation. So you are what you eat. Okay, but there is a lot more to sparking language and little ones and planting seeds of literacy. Talk, talk to the children, wait for answers. Have a lot of conversation about the things that we do is really rolling. Like Jack and Jill, what do I have self talk when they're doing things, describe what they're doing while they're doing it. To try and label. It feels like rain. And give them a lot of world experiences to have them go outside and see butterflies and see lizards and talk about things in their environment and experience the world and not be afraid to reach out and grab it and touch it and describe it for them so they feel comfortable and familiar with it. It is never too early to read to children many extra. And you can eat the orange. We're also reading lots of stories and making sure that we're incorporating the language into everything that there do. Infants and toddlers may not understand books the way older children do. But they are learning important cues about print and internalizing the patterns of language. O and the pictures are fun to. It's all scaffold land from one thing to another. You can't just jump and have no experience and expect a child to read. They need to eat the book. They need to handle the book. They need to be read to. They need to be familiar and comfortable with the book than they need to find out that their name has letters and the letters had sad when you put sounds together those words. And then the words put together make sentences. And so it's a, It's a natural progression that happens within our school. It's amazing. It's wonderful. In the first year. Those little bodies get a better grasp on how those arms and legs and hands and feet work, their stages of grasping. You might use the fourth finger and thumb to reach for something. You see young children doing this, and then they might use all fingers to grab something. So this is a learning process that we all go through. Walking is a sort of first graduation from infant to Todd learing, usually somewhere around 12 months. This newfound mobility allows the toddler to explore at will, which caregivers and parents can find a little tires and to keep up with, especially at age two, infant and toddler childcare is one of the most challenging forms of childcare. It requires a sensitivity, do subtle cues, and the ability to anticipate the needs of these quickly developing infants 

Kindergarten Video Transcript

We're living in a society, especially learning things rapidly. Kindergarten today is not like it used to be. Kind of, I used to be more play time, welcoming in-place playing time, and having teachers, we store it. In the last 12 years that I've been with the school system, kindergarten has been what first grade used to be. It's important that the children know in kindergarten that things are not going to be easy for them and that things are not going to be done for them. That they need to do it on their own. And that depends on what they do, what they're going to receive. Academics have replaced graham crackers and naps. We do have more of academics and kindergarten than it used to be. A lot of pressure to have these children until a certain amount of material before the end of the year. Nevertheless, teaching kindergarten children can be a delightful experience. Well, most five-year-olds are energetic, confident, and eager and able to learn. You have children that are in kindergarten and they're behaving like grown-ups. They're not they're not like baby ready. Children who know how to do math and how to do reading it, they become really more independent and there are more knowledgeable than we used to get kindergarten. Kindergarten children are unique in the sense that they all come from a different levels. Not only in different levels of development, but in different levels of experience. Children may have had preschool, May have come straight from their homes. And that presents a dilemma for some parents and educators sheets. And they showed some children delay their entry into kindergarten by a year, sort of like red shirting college freshmen athlete. The idea behind red shirting is that it gives the child an extra year to develop before they enter into kindergarten. However, there is no conclusive research that shows the benefits for red shirting a child raised. Most kindergartens are now full day programs. Instead of the traditional half-day kindergarten, years passed, children spend more time today than they did years ago. So a child, hardly any family member during the weekday that spends as much time as the teacher spends with them. So the social skills that we use to get from our families, sometimes not necessarily all of them, but most of them are not there. So we need to, as teachers, as professionals, fill in some of those and to spot spaces that are earlier because with children don't have it. And so emotionally somebody's children or not to level and academically they are. So we need to put these two things together. One thing that has a kindergarten teacher I think, is your priority is to build children's self-esteem. To build, help children build their own friendships and relationships and understand that they must accept each other and care for each other despite the changes in kindergartens in recent years, the classrooms include things that children who've attended preschool find familiar every single morning we had our morning circle time, which they probably had in preschool as well, where that's where they learned the days of the week, the months of the year, the num, numbers, letters, all kinds of, of things we're learn in those first 15 minutes of the day, we have a science center, we have an art center, we have a Social Studies Center, we have a reading center, we have a language arts center. We also have the arithmetic Cantor is that the children go to East centers and they learn through using manipulatives. The key, I think with young children is that they don't have a lot of a large attention span, so you need to change your activities throughout today. The emphasis of learning is no longer about getting ready to. Today's emphasis in kindergarten is own literacy itself. Emergent literacy as period of time when the child learns a lot of the concepts about PrEP before they actually learn to read rightward. They learn the front of the back of the words rather than the pictures tell the story. They learn what a letter, as they learned that the word has several letters shoved together with spaces on both side. Later during the period of emergent literacy in kindergarten, we expect children to learn all of these concepts about print through the names of the letters and the sounds of the letters. Kindergarten graduates are expected to know how to read simple sentences. And so to get them their kindergarten teachers employed many strategies. For instance, in just about every kindergarten classroom, you'll find a word wall. And children are encouraged to look at books with each other. And by themselves. You should definitely have books available to them that they're allowed to take at any time. That's appropriate. And small group reading instruction is instrumental in developing kindergarten reading skills. Watch how this teacher leads her kindergarten students through a Reading adventure. Start with recognizing the words they having the story. Or what I do is I explain to them that there's a title on the story. With the title of the story. We'd have an author and straighter and we leave the names for those who explain what each of those for the bulk of the story, the remember that the illustrator rather features, I have opened the books, all of them on the same page. And they starving story one-by-one, each child with two pages. Okay. And then we go over when that Charles done reading their two pages, we asked I asked questions to them and they raised her hands. Respond to the questions. We go onto the next pages. Copy and what do they tell you the story of coming want bye. See. Towards the end when we're done with this story, I haven't close the book. And then I show pictures from the store and they say no, ask questions to see they understood where his story with us to us about the elephant, elephant, to pave. The way. For a while I was doing that. We had the children working one center of mass, the other centers in heart, everybody was able to work at the different centers. And at the same time, I was able to spend time with a small probe and a small reading. Kindergarten is becoming more available to children. So the trend is more state mandated universal kindergarten

Primary Grades video transcript:

They're adorable. They're hilarious. They give you a lot of storage to go when you go home. Children in first, second, third grades are going through big changes in the way they think. When you enter into first grade, second grade, third grade, what you are using are not the toys and the blocks, but the words that stand for those toys and blocks and optics, instead of their actions controlling their thoughts. They're starting to use their thoughts to plan and control their behavior. Developing the higher mental functions, voluntary attention, control of their thinking away from me. With these children are finding out how serious the big school lives. Today's primary grade education is aimed straight at academic basics and results don't really comes first, math come second. Science is in the background are, and Social Studies is the little step brother lost away? It's all about state standards and passing government mandated tests on those standards. So today's primary grade teachers have a real challenge, balancing the child's natural interest to learn everything that interests them with a curriculum that's intended to get them to learn the things state standards expect them to know what unfortunate curriculum is very assessment driven. We try to make it fun, but there's a lot of meat to cover and we need to do that. Or high-stakes testing has changed the way primary grade teachers teach and what children are taught. I think the most important thing with state assessments is to get them being listeners and following directions because that's most of it. Somebody students have the content. It's just they don't know how to follow the directions and they get very inside the pressures on the pressures on you feel it from all levels. I mean, if we get the pressure from the administrators, we know there must be getting it from their supervisors. So unfortunately, a lot of the students are getting the pressure as well. The parents feel the pressure now too, with their grade. If you don't pass it through a grid assessment, you are retained. Despite the pressures and the scarcity of time to cover a variety of subjects, include primary grade teachers always try to find ways for creative learning. Game. I gather in 186018, journal writing is a popular method of getting these young students to read and write. Nevermind, they're invented spellings. Yesterday. My guy like me to talk to and they did. A big Clay, came out. Invented spelling is when the young child makes up their own spellings of words. By listening to the sounds they hear in the words and try to represent those sounds with letters. Many elementary schoolers, cooperative learning has replaced rows of desks of children working on their own. Individual assignments in my classroom is set up in cooperative groups and teams of five to seven, I would guess most of the time they do work cooperatively. And it's funny how in my class they want to hold each other. The late Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky taught us that children must interact with one another and learned something socially before it's internalized and becomes something that they know and can use on their own that they're learning moves from the social to the internal. So with a cooperative learning group, children interact with one another. There's a lot of talk, discussion, interaction as they work together to solve the task. Cooperative learning helps children of mixed abilities, but you'll seldom see mixed ages and the typical elementary school classroom. Yet some schools do encourage the mixed age approach, like this Montessori elementary school class. We have age range from first grade. I have children as young as 610 going on. No one dictates to me what I should teach when what approach I would take with any particular child. It's up to me to go evaluate each child as an individual and then make a presentation in the most appropriate manner. Try having said that. We also have state mandates that dictate that we have to have TO certain things to certain levels. This is not difficult to accommodate once you learn what a child's particular interested. For instance, we have to teach paragraphing, but it doesn't mean to say that everybody's got to write the same story in order to learn how to paragraph depends on where each child is in every subject. So for instance, we can have children who maybe at first year level as far as their grandma work is concerned, it could be as high as 40 a level doing long multiplication in long division, even though in fact only a second or third year. Well, because in this environment I have all the facilities available to me to teach at both extremes. I can accommodate that child's needs. Teachers keep close tabs on each child's progress and they try to make sure parents are aware and involved with what's going on. With phone calls, notes, agendas at home with children, email, and parent teacher conferences like this. I saw a poker and I saw that. You put on there that computer science yes. Katrina as very bright. But I think sometimes I noticed in the classroom she's a little bit distracted with the other students. And I'd like to see her with the reading comprehension come up a little bit more. Okay. What I would suggest is when you reach her at home, do daily reading, asked her questions about the story. You want me to ask? Every page. Yeah, I repay. You could ask or the main idea what's happening on this page? A prediction, what do you think's going to happen next? Help her see where, where the main idea comes from. Because we covered this in class, but you reinforce it at home could help a lot. Today's primary grades are more challenging than ever for teachers and students. But most teachers will tell you why they think it's worth it. It is so rewarding to see a smile on a kid's face, to know you made a difference to have a child who has bottle negative self-concept and the parents of developing a team and helping that child. So I can do this. Once you say that Spark can do it, I get goosebumps. E, e, e, e, e, e.

Reggio Emilia video transcript :

Narrator Emilia approach is based on a simple idea that children's own curiosity is the most powerful guide to their young. Children are encouraged to see themselves as serious students. You can engineer their own learning. You have to be neat 3D, or whether children are capable of doing much more than what the majority of off thing they're able to do it for five. Compared to other approaches, the Reggio teaching approach is quite dynamic. There is no set curriculum. Instead, a fluid curriculum emerges based on the student's interests. Yes. I having five. Yes. She's asking what are you doing? Play. The teachers find ways to guide the children's learning by encouraging them to explore their own interests and developing ways to expand that creative exploration. Challenging the teachers to do listen, rather than just the mutation, to follow their interests and to develop that interest in projects where there's much more that they're going to be able to learn from a planned activity element. I love that we call allocations, are that you need to keep interested. I'm asking more questions about that. Through this process of provocations, focused questioning, adults scaffold the children's thinking by provoking them, even though we weren't going to improve it. But you're going to employ you provoke him. Watch here as Maria provokes conversations with the students, listening and watching for ideas and choose to launch a new learning adventure. Eyes. It's like, okay, I wonder about that. How did, how did painting started? There? Were yes. Wherever I want you guys, what do you see on the painting? I naive. If a slip is the door handles, we mean y plane. Here. Da, da, da, da, me, me, me sleepy is very da, yes, these are sleeping. You have this learning that learning in Katya fate. Or you can swim down in the water and catch a fish. Go down like a diver. Divers who dive or do a real moose. Anyway, really moving for NIH that they're fatter and all will no longer be bad. If we want to see more leaving the water. Is there any place around here that we can go back to? What is happening inside backhaul. That's anybody leaving that he's called the feces thinking. Yep. Sometimes that emergent topic might be the central idea of exploration for an entire day or even several months. Becoming long-term projects emanating directly from the interests of the children. We know what the children have to learn or we have to go. But one classroom may get there one way or the other. Different way, depending on the shotgun, think dressed. Well, that's my word. And her father, the teachers and the children engage in what psychologist Jerome Bruner calls negotiated meaning. In this process, the teacher shows respect for the ability of the child to think at a high level. They're the dagger of their process. The unique idea here is that children generate topics that they want to learn about. And the teacher's guide them, provoking ideas, provoking the children into learning more. In a stress-free, non regimented environment. This dynamic emergent curriculum does not really develop haphazardly. The teachers help each other shape the direction of the children's learning. They carefully document each days learning experiences, taking notes, taking pictures, and making video recordings. They are researchers, developing their own professional knowledge at the same time that your teacher and they share what they've observed with one another. The project is going great. It's really going very good. The shoulder are very excited about the bird house. Well, maybe they will like to build furniture for the house and see what they're actually doing. Certain kind of designs, as you can see here. This is, for example, the design that we did for the yes, I think that this is a great documentation because it has the process from the beginning till now. And then I thank all the documentation needs to show all the learning process and how come we're going to the next. Then write. In Reggio schools, every wall in every corner bursts with colorful artwork. It is not just decoration. Reggio schools encourage children to express what they learn through a variety of media. Reggio, educators use the term The Hundred Languages of Children to refer to the many ways that children have to express their understandings of the world. There are many ways of personal expression, and the schools proudly display the fruits of that expression, letting the children know their efforts are valued. Oh, Reggio schools have a sort of artist in residence called an activity Arista, not an art teacher, but an artist who lens creative guidance to classroom learning processes. With me, they can actually kind of go below what they are doing in the classroom and see what other way can they explore. Another person who plays a big part in shaping the Reggio School is the pedagogy, Easter, and early childhood learning specialist. Pedagogies that I work with teachers. And with that, I am like the support to help them ALL knowledge. What are the children really interesting? Sr, developing the project? Parents are an integral part of the Reggio school too. They're expected to actively participate in their children's education. The interaction of parent and teacher and the child to create an active learning community is a core belief of the Reggio Emilia approach. This basic idea in a supportive environment where children are provoked to explore ideas that spring from their own young minds and guided by professionals who listen as much as they teach, exemplify the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education.

Child Care video transcript:

So many of the parents work nowadays that they need to have childcare. They need to have a place where they can trust, where they can drop their children off or they can have their children BY all day long. And not only a cognitive environment, but also a safe learning environment. Childcare facilities come in all sorts of sizes. From family childcare businesses caring for a few children, smaller centers serving their immediate neighborhoods like this one created in a former nightclub, to large state-of-the-art child development centers and pretty schools like this one with educated and trained professional staff, so well-developed curricula. All childcare centers should be safe and inviting places for children. And for many children of low-income families. The childcare center is where they get their main meal. Suddenly they get they get snapping in Delhi clean. And it's important because children of preschool age are learning to use their bodies and motor skills. It's important to provide places for movement and physical play, like outdoor playgrounds. They should also provide activities for fine motor development, such as coloring and a drawing. But many childcare facilities go further providing pre-school educational programs that promote children's cognitive development during the critical early years. Research has shown that the higher the quality of early childcare them or have a positive impact it has on a child's entire lifetime. Children with high-quality preschool education tend to be much better prepared for kindergarten. And they tend to do much better throughout their school years. The awareness of people. That quality is important in children at an early age. I think that's a big plus. I think people are becoming more educated. Parents are demanding more. And I think that that's one of the big pluses in early childhood education. So what determines quality? How many are internationally accepted standards of quality for childcare facilities? Accreditation, putting your childhood center that's accredited assures you more so your child will we see stimulating activities that the staff have experience and training to work with your child. There are several professional organizations that accredit childcare facilities. But the most recognized national standards are those of the National Association for education of young children or an AI. See, childcare facilities must meet strict standards and pass an on-site inspection to wherein the NA EY sees seal of approval. It's a checklist that goes throughout the environment, throughout the program management, staff requirements ratio, outdoor area. Community involvement. All of these elements constitute the quality childcare setting. This childcare center in a depressed neighborhood is now getting professional assistance to attain its accreditation by the binder for the Apple, by the, you need to send copies of every teacher's background screening. And we're having problems with that. These days, many childcare facilities offer far more than what accreditation standards called for. In this preschool center. Children play and learn through a specialized curriculum conducted by trained teachers. But they also get more diverse educational experiences. Have a few special enrichment program, like the kangaroo. He said, No, not like bad. You have to really call the Kangaroo like this. For instance, once a week, a dance instructor leaves children through ballet lessons. The belly is not structured program. It's not really something that they will learn when they're seven. It's just an introduction to following directions, the discipline of following directions. Enjoying the music, the energy, thereby colleagues. We stretch boy, John Benjamin, Libet law the walk. And each week this class, Larousse Frank Schmidt, visiting foreign language instructor, law genre, watt, lodge, ambush, live Ottawa, livable, I Bush, brains and Musick, yes, all of them. We have it every week. We have some Spanish almost every day because, you know, we have teacher that speak Spanish and we try to most of them speak Spanish, but on home by the end when it comes to school some time, you know, they forget this biases the width tried to reinforce this bonded to. Another visiting teacher introduces children each week to music and stories from all over the world where set turn around, turn around. Think about a valid take about shaking hands. Were just guys take a biomedic about. Again, although I work a lot with classical music, which is very valid for them, I bring music from all over the world. And we've found out through our studies that every single thing work for different parts of the brain, different regions of the brain. So it's not just the classical music which is critical, but it's music from other places that have different instruments that work on different tones. Childcare centers are a home away from home for children, safe and familiar place for kids to stay and play well, busy parents pursue their hectic schedules. High-quality accredited centers can provide a nurturing place for children to learn. The right mix of free play and exploration and structured enrichment activities. They support the healthy growth and development of young children. And studies have shown that children who attend childcare make the transition into kindergarten much easier.

Montessori video transcript:

Montessori developed a philosophy that says that each child is unique and an individual and that we need to accommodate. That means Maria Montessori was a doctor, a trained physician, who observed children that have special needs that we're in psychiatric facilities. And through observing these children, people thought that these were wild children. And by observing them, she's realized it's not that they're wild that's there, starved for wanting to work with materials. Maria Montessori is conclusion in 1907. Unruly problematic. Children are simply board acting out because they crave stimulation, but giving them things to do to engage their minds. Not only improved behavior, but more importantly, and improve their learning. So little guidance and a healthy, stimulating environment, children can take control of their own learning. We set up the environment and the directors guides the child to the lessons. They she then presents the lesson and lets them work on the lesson at their own pace. It's very important through that work, working with materials, having the time to sit and work however long they need to, because some children might come in and work for hours on one thing and no one disturbs. Rather than be told you've got 15 minutes to finish, they've now we're going to the next thing. It's better for them to feel successful at what they're doing. Montessori believed learning happens through all five senses, sensorial experience. She called it the absorbent mind. So she developed special materials to actively challenge young minds and bodies. Using touch and smell, sight and sound and taste, physically experiencing and manipulating objects to gain understanding. But Montessori has highly developed rules on how to use each of those materials in order to learn from them. Watch here, as the teacher in this Montessori School directs a child through specific steps of a lesson in comprehending solid geometric shapes. Both. Q. Another div if that's all you think is a. Q. This is a Q. Yes. Montessori educators say they show children how to teach themselves to read by teaching the sounds of letters first instead of the names of letters. This is done with innovative materials called sand paper letters. Which adds tactile experience to the sight and sound of the alphabet. Practices today says, well, can you trace the pieces? And this is many of the Montessori materials are color-coded to represent certain meanings or values. Watch year as color-coded pieces are used to convey mathematical concepts. What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? Thousands. We have this addition here. Let's how many units do we have here? Can you please put five units? How many tens we have? Two. Can you please do this one thing? You can do it by yourself. By yourself. Montessori schools for young children also emphasize learning practical skills. The practical life area is about caring for their environment, taking care of Washington tables, learning how to roll up carpets or moving tables. They're putting their chairs back underneath the table and caring for themselves. Learning how to button there close, learning how to tie their shoes, learning how to blow their nose, all of those things. In Montessori schools, children are encouraged to work independently, charging their own course of learning. This independence helps them to develop their inner compass. A psychologist Albert Bandura, calls their self-regulatory capacity. They can freely choose what they're interested in, but only from the special materials provided for them. Readily available, displayed in the open where children can get them when they want to. It's whatever interest them if they want to pull out a puzzle and learn about the world. And they pull out the puzzle and we sit down and we guide them on how to do those puzzles. And they must completely work through the steps of the specially designed lesson. Each material is intended to illustrate. Usually find children of different ages and abilities place together in a single Montessori school classroom. Children like to learn from one another and teach one another. That's the beauty of having the mixed age is that the younger ones so loved to be, have to be taught by the older child. There are tremendous advantages. We all learn more by teaching than we do by being told. You don't want to apologize. You don't want to just say, I'm sorry. Say counts. You have the Montessori environment is a carefully prepared and controlled one. Individual rugs define individual workspaces. And at lunchtime, each child has their own table placemat. Children learn routines such as bell signaling the time for outdoor play your lunch. Notice the furniture. It's child sized. Everything in a Montessori classroom is child sized. It may seem unremarkable now, but sizing the furniture to fit the children was a Montessori innovation. Children learning independently from sensory experience, using specially designed materials and a defined set curriculum. These are hallmarks of the Montessori method of early childhood education.