first complete "Informative Speech Citations Assignment" Second, You will need to create a full-sentence outline for your Informative Speech. Use your text and the following samples for help. Sample O

Informative Speech- Sample

Indian Hindu Weddings

Specific purpose: To inform the class of the rituals and traditions of an Indian Hindu Wedding.


I. Open with impact: Most people assume “tying the knot” is just a phrase referring to marriage, but in India they do that literally when getting married to symbolize the unity of two people.

II. Thesis: Today you will learn of the rituals of a traditional Indian Wedding.

III. Connect with your audience: You will be able to gain insight into the traditions of weddings on the other side of the world.

(Preview:) A traditional Indian wedding lasts an average of one week with pre-wedding rituals, the wedding ceremony and post-wedding rituals.


I. Main Point: An Indian wedding doesn’t start with the chiming of wedding bells; it starts with the noise of drums and pre-wedding rituals.

A. The fun starts with an informal ritual called Garba, which is a day of dancing before the wedding.

B. The bride and groom are covered in turmeric by relatives to bring good luck.

C. Two or three days before the wedding, the bride and all other females apply mehndi, or henna on their hands.

(Transition:) : After the non-stop partying, it’s time to get serious with the wedding ceremony.

II. Main Point: The wedding ceremony is the most auspicious part of the marriage.

A. The wedding starts with the groom’s arrival to the bride’s house on a horse or car.

B. The groom’s scarf is tied to the bride’s sari which symbolizes the union of their two souls.

C. The bride and groom put garlands around each other.

D. The bride and groom circle the holy fire together.

E. The bride and groom will walk around to all the elders to receive their blessings.

(Transition:) After the main parts of the wedding, the post-wedding rituals make the bride welcome to her new family.

III. Main Point: The post-wedding rituals make the bride welcome to her new family and congratulate her arrival.

A. The bride and groom depart to the groom’s house in a decorated car.

B. When the bride enters the home, she kicks a pot of rice and steps with vermillion on her feet.

C. The bride and groom play a game of a ring inside a pan of milk and whoever finds it first is said to rule the marriage.

D. Finally, there is a reception in the evening of the wedding day to celebrate the marriage.


I. Summarize: A wedding day is the most important day of an Indian couple’s lives, with pre-wedding rituals, the wedding ceremony, and post-wedding rituals that are filled with memories to forever be cherished.

A. The pre-wedding rituals set the tone of the wedding and get all fun started.

B. The wedding ceremony has many holy rituals that unite the bride and groom.

C. The post-wedding rituals wrap up everything and wish the couple luck on their newly wed lives.

 II. Close with impact:  So, one day if you ever attend an Indian wedding, you will know what’s going on.