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Week 4 Paper Video Resources

Watch one or more of the following videos to learn more about how to approach, and resolve, conflict.

Canfield, C. (2016, December 1) The beauty of conflict. TEDxUSA. Retrieved September 26, 2019 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55n9pH_A0O8.

Description: Here, Conflict expert Clair Canfield explains that we should see conflict as an opportunity, rather than a threat. The three keys are to identify what the conflict is about, critically thinking about justification, and learning to speak responsibly. He says conflict is “the doorway of opportunity for creating the change we want in our life.” It’s an interest approach to conflict, which is something most people want to avoid.

Christian, K. (2017, December 11). Finding confidence in conflict. TEDxDayton. Retrieved September 26, 2019 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6Zg65eK9XU.

Description: Kwame Christian is Director of the American Negotiation Institute and here he shares his expertise on negotiating conflict. He argues that conflict is a great opportunity to strengthen good relationships or eliminate bad relationships. He also focused on the idea of compassionate curiosity. As you watch this, how might you connect to the conflict you witnessed in the television episode or film you viewed?

Funsten, R. (2016, October 19). how understanding conflict can help improve our lives. TEDxTryon. Retrieved September 26, 2019 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdDQSHyyUic

Description: Negotiator Robin Funsten focuses on conflict as forms of positive growth. They are usually about limited resources, unmet needs, and different values (especially various “isms”). When we are able to get to the heart of conflict, it can help us resolve conflict. She focuses on emotions, logic, and empathy. Sound familiar? It should, as it reinforces many points in Bevan.

Kislik, L. (2018, January 16). Why there’s so much conflict at work and what you can do to fix it. TEDxBaylorSchool. Retrieved September 26, 2019 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l-AOBz69KU

Description: Management consultant Liz Kislik focuses on the ideas and structures that underlie conflict in the workplace specifically. She offers five steps to resolve conflict – rule out dysfunctional individuals, ask the right people the right questions, understand goals and means, find allies to help facilitate change, and teach new habits for managing differences.