This is History course, this is research paper,,, The essay should be 2,250–2,500 words minimum, or roughly 9–10 double-spaced, typed pages (one side of the page only), but no more than 11 full pages

Assignment 6 

Research Paper No.2

Write a research paper that answers one of the questions in the following subject areas. The choice of question is up to you, but your paper must answer one of the following questions. Papers on topics other than those addressed in the following questions will receive a grade of zero. It is strongly advised that you select a topic that is different in time and topic from the one covered in your previous research paper. You will be better prepared for the final examination as a result.


  • Follow the detailed directions given for Assignment 5. Your paper should be of the same length (2,250–2,500 words, or 9–10 double-spaced pages) and should follow the same rules of style and presentation as outlined for Assignment 5.

  • Remember, an excellent on-line resource for ancient to modern periods compiled by Dr. Halsall from Fordham University is: (

  • Review the Comments from your previous paper so as to improve this paper.

  • Review the help documents in your Took Box Package.

  • Submit the essay in WORD using CMS citations.

  • Please indicate on your title page the text of the question you are answering.

  • Run through the checklist for assignments.

If you have any questions, please contact the course instructor as soon as possible

Due date: Consult the table “Assignments due dates” in the course syllabus.

Essay questions

The Ancièn Regime

  1. Compare the life of a nobleman and merchant in any two of the following countries in the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries: France, England, Prussia, Poland. Who had the best life, and why?

  2. What strategies did the monarchs of seventeenth-century France, England, and Spain develop in order to finance their wars?

  3. How did Enlightened Despots rule in 18th century France, Austria and Prussia? Explore how they were guided by Enlightenment ideas and principles.

  4. What was so ‘great’ about Catherine or Frederic the Great?

  5. Why was France in financial difficulty before 1789?

Science, Enlightenment, and Revolution

  1. How have historians explained the superiority of the New Model Army over the Royalist forces during the English Civil War? Your paper should be an historiographical essay that compares the arguments of the various authors you read. Your paper should compare the arguments and evidence of at least four books.

  2. What was the relationship between science and magic in this period?

  3. What was rationalism? Why was Descartes considered the founder of “modern rationalism”?

  4. What contributions did women make to the beginnings of modern science in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries? How were these female scientists viewed by their contemporaries?

  5. What have historians identified as the key causes of the French Revolution?

  6. Which attributes of the old regime were destroyed by the French Revolution? Which survived? Why?

  7. Did Napoleon further or subvert the accomplishments of the French Revolution? In your answer, point to specific examples to prove your case.

Industry and empire

  1. Why did Britain become the world’s first industrial nation?

  2. How were the roles of working-class and middle-class women changed during the Industrial Revolution?

  3. Why was the Ottoman Empire the so-called ‘sick man of Europe’? In other words, what internal and external factors undermined the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century?

  4. What accounts for the enthusiasm for war in 1914?

  5. How did the Tsar’s war policies serve to strengthen the Bolshevik cause in Russia?

  6. What were the domestic consequences of the First World War for either France or Britain?

The modern world

  1. What were the particular conditions in Germany and Italy that favoured the rise of authoritarian regimes after the First World War? What were the similarities and what were the differences?

  2. Why did Britain and France appease Hitler in the 1930s?

  3. Why did the Nazi regime believe that it needed to destroy the Jews, Gypsies, and other outsiders, and how did it attempt to justify that policy?

  4. How did Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union and the entry of the United States into the war transform the military situation?

  5. What was the ‘Prague Spring’ and why was it a symbol of the larger social and political realities of the 1960s?

  6. What were origins, the significant events, and overall history that mark the ‘Cold War’?

  7. In what ways has the collapse of the Soviet Union and of its satellite states in Eastern Europe fanned the flames of ethnic and national conflict?

  8. How have democracy and nationalism come into conflict since 1989?