Write a short essay (a MINIMUM of 600 words for each response, for a total of 1200 words) addressing the questions posed. there are two questions ANSWER THE QUESTIONS SEPARATELY. I have attached the r

Questions: 1. The criminal Red Scharlach says he swore “to weave a labyrinth” to entrap Erik Lönnrot in a house in “Death and the Compass”. In “The House of Asterion”, the protagonist is also in a labyrinth, which is his house. What is the relationship between the house and the labyrinth? Why are the protagonists unable to understand that they're in a maze? What do the protagonists of both stories have to do to “escape” from the labyrinth? Use examples from both stories. 2. In “Tlön, Uqbar , Orbis T ertius” there is talk of a “third world”. Explain what are the three worlds that are mentioned in the story (reality , representation, and fiction) and how each one operates as it relates to the various encyclopedias referred in the story . Explain what it means for Bor ges that “the world will be Tlön.” Do we live in a world of fictions? Or as Jean Baudrillard ar gues, in a world of simulation? Use examples from the story and from Baudrillard’ s essay .