Please select ONE of the following options to write your Paper 2. Please remember to back up your claims and cite where needed. 1) What is the role and/or status of women in Sikh Traditions? 2) What m

Each paper must be 6-7 pages long, double-spaced in 12 font, Times New Roman, not including
a bibliography or title page (should you select to have one). Each paper must be written in
complete sentences and paragraphs (a paper of this length requires more than one paragraph).
For each paper, there is a list of topics of which you select ONE to write about. These topics
relate to our course materials, so they should be somewhat familiar to you. In addition to using
our textbook as a source, you must also have three additional academic sources used for each
paper. While you may also use our unit notes, these are only to support your three academic
In all instances, you MUST cite your work. This means that any time you reference ideas from
another source, be it our textbook, unit notes, or other academic sources, you must cite them
using MLA or Chicago formatting. Links to how to cite in MLA or Chicago are provided in
your syllabus, the Start Here! Module, as well as Instruction for Papers module.
Also important: Prior to uploading your document, please name your document using your last
name, abbreviated assignment description, and the option number you chose to write about. For
example, if I chose to write about option 4 in Paper 2, my document would be named this:

Goulet P2 4

Please select ONE of the following options to write your Paper 2. Please remember to back up
your claims and cite where needed.
1) What is the role and/or status of women in Sikh Traditions?
2) What makes Korean Traditions distinct from Chinese Traditions?
3) What is the role and/or significance of ancestral worship in Chinese Traditions?s
4) How are Sikh Traditions practiced here in Canada versus how it’s presented in our
5) Compare and contrast how Sikhism, Chinese Traditions, or Korean Traditions (select
one) are presented in the textbook versus our entertainment media, such as a movie or TV
show. Does the show/movie accurately present the selected religion? Why/why not?