How did you focus the topic of your first practice question? What specific strategies did you use to draft and revise it?


Practice Question 1

Joel Rodriguez



Due to its ability to help firms adapt to the rapidly evolving economic and technological landscape, change management is a crucial component of the business and finance industries. Enable successful organizational transformation entails deploying strategies and processes to promote good communication, coordination, and collaboration among all stakeholders (Hayes, 2022). Delegating tasks and responsibilities to employees, implementing technology to streamline processes and cut costs, using data-driven decision-making to accelerate decision-making, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, modifying organizational structures to better align activities with business objectives, and using customer feedback and analytics to inform product development are just a few of the tasks involved in change management. Businesses in the business and finance industries can boost efficiency, cut expenses, and maintain competitiveness in the present market by using these techniques (Alsharari, 2019). By implementing techniques that increase efficiency, cut expenses, and foster innovation, change management is crucial for businesses and financial firms to remain successful and competitive in the constantly shifting environment.

Addressing the Issue of Change Management

Delegation of tasks and responsibilities to employees is necessary in order to increase efficiency and productivity.

Over the past few decades, change management has become necessary in the business and financial sectors. Businesses can improve efficiency and productivity by giving staff more duties and responsibilities, which boosts performance and gives them a competitive advantage. Giving duties and responsibilities to staff members is an excellent approach to guaranteeing that the required modifications are made on schedule (Zang et al., 2019). A business can spend less time and effort managing and carrying out a particular activity or project by assigning tasks and responsibilities to personnel. Also, it streamlines the decision-making process, allowing the business to concentrate on its primary goals. Employees are more likely to be invested in the success of a project if they are given a direct role in it; thus, giving them jobs and responsibilities can help generate a sense of ownership and accountability.

Delegating tasks and responsibilities to staff members also fosters a sense of empowerment since it allows staff members to take ownership of their work and make decisions that are in the organization’s best interests. This may result in a staff that is more productive due to increased job satisfaction and enhanced employee morale (Hayes, 2022). Giving tasks and responsibilities to staff members can boost an organization's or industry's overall performance (Zang et al., 2019). Companies can enhance efficiency and production by assigning tasks and responsibilities to staff. This reduces the time and resources needed to execute projects. By avoiding hiring additional staff to manage tasks or projects, the organization can save money by delegating duties and responsibilities to employees.

We are introducing technology to streamline processes and reduce costs.

Operations in the business and finance industries are now more productive and economical, thanks to the introduction of technology. The amount of time and materials required to execute tasks has decreased due to more effective processes made possible by automation and digitization. Due to this, firms have been able to lower expenses and boost earnings (Hernandez, 2019). The use of technology has also made it possible for companies to reach a more extensive client base, enabling them to increase their reach and revenue. The culture of the business and finance industries has benefited from the introduction of technology. Businesses have been able to reduce the amount of paperwork involved in their operations by streamlining processes.

A considerable change management procedure was necessary for the adoption of technology in the business and finance sectors. This method involved the creation of a precise plan, deploying suitable governance structures, and using suitable change management models (Cameron & Green, 2019). Ensuring that all stakeholders are involved and that the process is managed promptly and efficiently is crucial to its success. In order to guarantee the successful adoption of technology, change management has been a crucial procedure in the business and finance industries. Businesses have stayed competitive in the present market by integrating technology to expedite processes and cut expenses (Hernandez, 2019). Technology adoption has also made it possible for companies to reach a more extensive client base, which has increased their revenue.

Utilizing data-driven decision-making to increase the speed and accuracy of decisions

The application of data-driven decision-making has significantly affected change management in the commercial and financial sectors. Organizations may improve decision speed and accuracy by using data-driven decision-making, which is crucial in this fast-paced industry. Organizations can make judgments using data-driven decision-making rather than their gut feelings or previous experiences (Tillema et al., 2022). Due to this, business decisions may now be made with more excellent knowledge, precision, and promptness. Organizations that use data-driven decision-making can better understand their consumers, spot new opportunities, and develop more effective workflows. Businesses may study client behavior and pinpoint areas for improvement by utilizing data. As a result, they may produce superior goods and services catering to their client’s requirements.

Identifying chances for growth and expansion by businesses is another benefit of data-driven decision-making. By studying data, businesses can find new markets and products that will likely succeed (Cameron & Green, 2019). This enables them to decide on investments and new projects with knowledge. Since data can be utilized to pinpoint areas that require development, data-driven decision-making enables firms to develop more effective processes. Cost savings and increased effectiveness as a whole may emerge from this. As a result, data-driven decision-making has significantly impacted change management in the business and finance sectors. By using data-driven decision-making, organizations can improve the speed and accuracy of their decisions, gain a deeper understanding of their consumers, find new possibilities, and design more effective procedures (Tillema et al., 2022).

We are implementing a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

The business and financial industries have handled change management by establishing a constant innovation and improvement culture. Organizations must adopt this strategy to remain competitive in the rapidly shifting global market (Cameron & Green, 2019). Resistance to change is frequently the biggest problem in change management. Organizations must foster a climate of cooperation, open communication, and trust to overcome this. Employees are more inclined to accept and embrace change as a result, which enhances productivity and performance (Alsharari, 2019). Organizations should create strong leadership to promote a culture of innovation and constant development.

Leaders can educate staff members on the significance of change and its advantages for the company. Also, organizations want to design a framework that fosters innovation and creativity. Resources and training may be made available to aid in developing new competencies and procedures among employees (Hayes, 2022). Organizations can also encourage staff to think creatively and develop fresh job approaches. Companies should offer rewards for implementing novel concepts and methods. This can entail rewarding practical projects and publicizing the achievements of those who accept change. Monitoring development should be a priority for businesses.

Adapting organizational structures to align activities with business objectives better

Change management is crucial in business and finance because it enables firms to change with the economic and technological environment (Zang et al., 2019). In order to enable successful organizational transformation entails deploying strategies and processes to promote good communication, coordination, and collaboration among all stakeholders. One of the most critical aspects of change management in the business and finance sectors is adjusting organizational structures to align activities more effectively with company objectives. Organizational structures can be changed to boost productivity, cut costs, and guarantee the best possible alignment with corporate objectives.

Businesses must ensure that all stakeholders are aware of and involved in organizational structure changes to implement them properly. Change management strategies must be devised to ensure employees are aware of and receptive to the planned changes (Cameron & Green, 2019). This includes giving staff opportunities for training and growth, conveying the new organizational structure, providing incentives for workers to accept the changes, and offering assistance to individuals who will be impacted. Businesses must also ensure that the new organizational structure accurately reflects their objectives (Alsharari, 2019). This means that teams and departments should be set up to achieve the business’s goals best.

Utilizing customer feedback and analytics to inform product and service development

To guide the development of their products and services, businesses have been forced to concentrate on client feedback and analytics. Businesses can gain insight into the needs and want of their consumer base through customer feedback and analytics (Macchia, 2019). They can better meet their customers’ needs by customizing their goods and services. By using client feedback and analytics, businesses may better understand how their goods and services are in the market. This enables them to pinpoint their strengths and potential improvement areas. This can also be used to guide the creation of brand-new goods and services and the development of enhanced versions of current ones (Tillema et al., 2022).

Moreover, analytics and consumer input can guide change management in the business and financial sectors. Businesses can create strategies to ensure they are giving their consumers the best service possible by gathering data on customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and areas for development (Zang et al., 2019). This includes ensuring that their goods and services are current and promptly reacting to client comments. Businesses in the business and finance industries should ensure they give their consumers the most incredible experience possible by using customer feedback and analytics to guide product and service development.

Relation of Change management to my future Career Path

Change management helps me to develop the necessary skills to manage complex projects and teams.

By teaching me how to successfully manage, lead, and encourage various sorts of people and how to handle conflicts in order to ensure the successful implementation of projects and initiatives, change management assists me in developing the abilities required to manage complex projects and teams (Zang et al., 2019). Understanding how to lead and manage organizational change while considering stakeholders' wants and expectations is something else that change management has helped me with. It also allows me to hone the ability to recognize and assess how change affects the business and its workers, as well as the capacity to establish successful communication and implementation strategies. Also, it aids in developing the abilities required to interact and collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the success of change and project completion. In order to assess whether a change project was practical and pinpoint areas for improvement, it aids in my development of the skills necessary to measure success (Alsharari, 2019). In the end, being able to handle change is a crucial talent when leading complicated projects and teams.

Change management teaches me to adapt to different situations, allowing me to remain competitive in the job market.

Understanding the implications of changes on people, processes, and technology is a critical component of change management. I understand how to deal with various circumstances, such as adjusting to new technology, restructuring teams, and implementing new processes. I can be more ready for any changes that can take place in the work market by learning how to adjust to various scenarios. I may use the abilities I have gained through change management to recognize and seize opportunities that might present themselves as a result of changes (Macchia, 2019). I will be better able to foresee and adapt to changes in the workplace. As a result, it is helping me to maintain my competitiveness.

Change Management helps me to develop an understanding of the dynamics of organizational change and manage the process more efficiently.

By offering a framework for comprehending the demands for change, the impact of change on the organization and its stakeholders, and the strategies for implementing the change, change management aids in developing knowledge of the dynamics of organizational change (Macchia, 2019). Determining the resources required for a change to be implemented successfully and creating a process management plan is beneficial. Planning for contingencies, developing communication strategies for stakeholders, and anticipating and addressing opposition to change are all aided by change management (Zang et al., 2019). Organizations are better prepared for the change process and more likely to accomplish desired outcomes if they plan to manage the process more effectively and are aware of the dynamics of organizational change.

Change Management helps me build relationships and network with other professionals in my field, which can lead to new job opportunities.

Building ties and networking with other professionals in one's area can be accomplished with the help of change management. A shared awareness of the changes that are occurring and their effects on the organization is facilitated through change management. Understanding the changes will help you recognize the opportunities and difficulties they present. By using this information, one can connect with other experts who may be dealing with similar issues. Professionals can exchange knowledge, find new career possibilities, and learn from one another by networking. By offering the chance to work together on projects and initiatives, change management can aid in the development of relationships with other experts (Zang et al., 2019). Professionals can acquire valuable skills and industry knowledge by cooperating. This can be especially advantageous for individuals just starting out in their careers because it allows them to hone their talents and gain experience.


Adopting data-driven decision-making is one trend that should be considered in the commercial and financial sectors. Using data to guide judgments rather than depending on gut instinct or previous experiences is known as data-driven decision-making. Due to this, business decisions may now be made with more excellent knowledge, precision, and promptness. Organizations may improve consumer understanding, discover new opportunities, and develop more effective procedures using data-driven decision-making (Cameron & Green, 2019). The use of digital technology is a further suggestion for industry and finance. Operations in the industry are now more efficient and economical because of the introduction of technology. The amount of time and materials required to execute tasks has decreased due to more effective processes made possible by automation and digitization. Due to this, firms have been able to lower expenses and boost earnings. Technology has also enabled companies to reach a more extensive client base, increasing their reach and revenue (Hernandez, 2019). Finally, businesses and finance should consider establishing a culture of innovation and constant development. Strong leadership and creating a system that promotes innovation and creativity are necessary.


Alsharari, N. M. (2019). Management accounting and organizational change: alternative perspectives. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2019). Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools, and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers.

Hayes, J. (2022). The theory and practice of change management. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Hernández de Cos, P. (2019). Financial technology: the 150-year revolution.

Macchia, S. (2019). A review on Management Accounting Change. What’s next?. Economia Aziendale Online-10(1), 107-134.

Tillema, S., Trapp, R., & van Veen‐Dirks, P. (2022). Business Partnering in Risk Management: A Resilience Perspective on Management Accountants' Responses to a Role Change. Contemporary Accounting Research39(3), 2058-2089.

Zhang, D., Zhang, Z., & Managi, S. (2019). A bibliometric analysis on green finance: Current status, development, and future directions. Finance Research Letters29, 425-430.